Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I don't have a place in the market because I'm lazy as hell and weather I do well is like a 50/50 chance per texture :P This leads me to making textures when I want, and of what I want.

My style would have to be vectors + lots of light based shading + grunge, I like to de metals allot and use a reference 100% of the time at the moment.

What makes me different from other people is that I'll never put out a head I didn't like when I made it, ever. I get very little done this way, but I feel that it shows on my textures, that I care about what they look like for my sake. I don't normally charge for textures any more and made a few free heads to put out to the community, I'm planning on making a few more heads at 512x512 resolution, because being able to make what I like, while not on a deadline allows the freedom necessary for my creative needs.

I'm not a big fan of the toribash system for mapping / texturing, nor the graphics, while the style is nice it could be done better in my opinion, so I often find my self frustrated at toribash for it's limitations. I find this personally to be strange as I love the limitations of 8 bit art, but there you go.

overall my style is a product of my vanity and how seriously I take my self, along with my laziness, plus a tiny bit of skill and knowledge. Thus I call my style; "Lazy Messy Vectors." (LMV) or in long form; "Insecure Detail Spam Upon Structured Vectors in Order to Build the Form of my Vanity" (IDSUSVOBF)

at this point I am board of writing, but it was fun sharing with you that really I suck at this and just happen to get lucky every now and then. At least I don't charge :P

Ability: clearly the best here....

...at sucking.
Wow, I'm surprised! Many styles here, this will go well. But that does not include you, Voxus. You suck. Get out.

Nice, nice. A combination of two styles and a hint of your own personality. Exactly whats needed!

An old style revived with new input. I can tell that you'll try your hardest to come up with innovative new ideas. I look forward to the results.

I've already seen some of your work, and you live up to your style. The style is new and fresh, and it will take some working to get it into the market. However, the quality and ideas should hit off in no-time!

Hmm, I can tell you will have to follow Ezeth's tutorials closely. You've been a bit too specific with your style and it sounds like only one head will be made from this. Remember to variate more, and this could go far.

Calligraphy on a head texture... I've never seen that before, and that's saying something. I'll have to teach you what I know and you will need to do your best to adapt it to your own style. This should be interesting!

I know you're style very well and I am a fan. My main aim is to help you variate in the direction you choose, maybe adding in another feature or style to your current.

Hmm, I see. You'll be doing us all a favour if you can overcast the emo head textures and replace them with some more style. I'll be giving you a lot of links from deviantart.com most likely, showing you what others have done in that style with other art. I demand you watch more anime as revision! =D

Hmm, short and basic. The main aim of this was to make you think where you are branching out to, not where you are at the moment. Could you re-work this for me please? Choose the path you wish to go down next.

Ah yes, your style is definitely pop, but with a twist. Twist and pop. Sounds fruity. Merging pop and realistic will be hard to do as they are almost polar opposites, but you seemed to do well when me and Voxus helped you out. I'd say you're almost complete, to be honest.

Your name is odd. I doubt it would ever catch on.. Only complaint to be honest. The mix of cartoon and tribal will merge well as the drawing styles compliment each other very well. A good choice.


Reminds me a lot of DarkJak's work. Like I've said to you before, the source of light will need to be modified a lot as you copy and paste the shapes you've made. It will work out really nice tho and is the perfect clutter:detail ratio as the clutter will not show up. Keep going with this.

An odd idea, but odd ideas generally turn out the best. Again, a combination of styles that should work well together. I'm not sure how many references you are going to be able to get for this, so I hope your imagination is up for the task!

Macabre robotic, maybe? I love the idea. Make sure to keep things clean, but grungy. Its hard to achieve but you'll get there in the end. Trial and error never fails! (And always fails, technically.)

Monobi's last notes:
I'm going to need all of you to keep what you have written in your mind for a while. I don't expect anyone to stick to what they have written to the letter, but try and keep your eyes on the target! You can't learn everything at once.

Week two is now open! Enjoy!
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."

My style is more like randomish vectored tribals combining with each other try to get there ways together.
I can't realy say much about it since I never have write a description of my texture.
But I want my style to look simple and clean as possible and you could easily try to expirement with something new with ' the tribal vector'.
So generally my style is very simple.

Name for my style maybe NuTribal as Vox said o.o
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Personal Touch-
My style isn't really what most people would call a style, in that I don't have one. I believe that art is meant to convey a message, if it doesn't do that then it is useless. I try make my art convey that message as clearly as possible. My art is all based upon an idea that is to be communicated, its never based on personal whim and style. Therefore my style changes to best fit the job at hand.

Preference -
I prefer clear, concise meanings, and I dislike clutter. Anything that can be removed, I do remove.

Ability -
My ability to actually make art varies, and usually I redo things until I get it right. Technically, I could be better, but that will come with experience. Nevertheless, I typically have a good eye for what is and is not visually appealing.

Originality -
The way I make my style mine is that I take a technical approach to art. Too many people start from the beginning of an artwork, they start with a random tidbit and work from there to discover what the rest of the artwork is going to be. I do the opposite. Like a crime scene investigator, I start with the end and work my way backwards. That's why I don't make art often, and when I do it doesn't take me long.

Naming your style -
CourseWork, Week 1.
Description of my style:

I'm going to begin starting a new style, which will be mostly robotic, perhaps some skin underneath panels in some cases, depending on what it's for. The
reason I'm going to try to start using more robot-looking images is because I think it'll be a challenge. This, in my opinion, is difficult because robotic, or
cyborg styled graphics tend to be pixelized, because most of us know that a straight line is not nearly as close to being pixelized as much as a diagonal line.

What makes my style different:

This doesn't only go for the new style I'm going to be attempting, but in most of my textures I try to make something different that stands out, whether it's
something big and very noticable, or something small and in the corner. I try to add something different to it that, well, makes my style different and stand out.

The name of my style:

I was having troubling trying to figure out a name for this style, and I was wondering if you had any ideas.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
As asked by Monobi, I'll try to explain with a bit more detail as to what style I am attempting to branch out to.
As said before, the two things I really would like to strengthen is shading and vectorising, I'm still trying to figure out how I can use those two techniques together into one texture, but I just cannot imagine them working together. As for now I believe I will use those techniques individually depending on the situation at hand.

The two texturers I am inspired by are AHD (for shading) and AlphasoniK (for tribal, manga). I suppose you could say that it's copying, but I am just practicing their style in hopes I branch out to some sort of an original style.

I use a tablet for most of my work, as I prefer using freehand. That would mean that most of my work will be free-form. And, on the other hand, I will be using the pen tool quite frequently as well to achieve that sharp edge style. I have a really bad habit of being really, really neat and organised, and I always try to make my artwork simple and stylish.

I have been using 256x256 the most recently, and I plan to use that in the future (unless requested a different resolution).
Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
Hmm, I see. You'll be doing us all a favour if you can overcast the emo head textures and replace them with some more style. I'll be giving you a lot of links from deviantart.com most likely, showing you what others have done in that style with other art. I demand you watch more anime as revision! =D

I just made a deviantart account.
So I will be waiting for those links. ^^