I guess some people give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in.

Personally, though, if there was a level of peer pressure forcing me to do something I wasn't comfortable with, i'd probably walk away.
Well lets see, on my birthday I took a shot of tequila with a raw egg in it, chugged a whiskey and coke, did an irish car bomb, did another shot of tequila, did a 4 horseman, and drank a bunch of other stuff before I blacked out.

I guess peer pressure "made" me do all that since I normally wouldn't, even though I had already planned on being blackout status by the end of the night.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I'd like to think that I can say "NO" but I can't sometimes.. :| Depends on who ask me to do what.
Dose is dead.
I'm not affected by it. Not saying I'm immune or whatever, but if my said friends want me to do something I'll do it out of me wanting to do it rather than because they pressured me into doing it. If I don't want to do it then I just don't. My brother is quite the contrary. Kinda makes me sad
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
It affects me, but I fight against it so I won't do stupid stuff like my friends.

One of the really tempting things is that in Denmark there is a city pretty much devoted to smoking pot. It's legal there.

[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
The notion of peer pressure is to make you feel obliged to do what people want you to. Not a big problem if you want to do said things yourself (unless it's bad things, you don't want to do BAD THINGS), but it's horrible if it goes against your nature.

I wouldn't say i'm immune to or unaffected by peer pressure, but i'm pretty good at telling people off if i don't want to do whatever. Some things i'm just a bit reluctant to do (because of my careful nature), but end up being pretty fun or good or whatever, in which case a bit of encouragement doesn't hurt. Encouragement also resulted in my first time being entirely drunk (i was of legal age, mind you), which was pretty fun, though normally i wouldn't gobble down a shot that takes more than one gulp to empty (hint: it took three). Not so much a shot as it was an artillery blast, because the world wasn't quite stationary afterwards. BUT I DIGRESS.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Peer pressure is for the weak-minded. I don't know anyone who's actually been pressured by their peers into doing anything that really affects anyone heavily.
The feeling of peer pressure is horrible. You feel that if you don't give in to it that you will be seen differently which is not true. In my opinion, if its something that is dangerous, just say no.