Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by PuReDeVil View Post

Yes Dead island is very awesome you need to fight zombie horde and grab weapon and many more
Originally Posted by PuReDeVil View Post
omg vate you're a legend!!, they are most of my favorite games in the world, you play them on xbox 360 yes?

My Gamertag is "Boragoom"
add me if you want ;)

Originally Posted by TRichard21 View Post

Left 4 Dead and Dead Island are the most awsome zombies games in the history of awsome'ness . I ma huge zombie fan and those games are intence , especialy online .

I like both games but I hate how it's not "realistic".
The fact that the zombies punch and kick you, and the how your "immune" to the disease makes me wanna shave off my eyebrows...
Last edited by Vate; Sep 21, 2011 at 12:27 AM.
Originally Posted by Vate View Post
My Gamertag is "Boragoom"
add me if you want ;)

I like both games but I hate how it's not "realistic".
The fact that the zombies punch and kick you, and the how your "immune" to the disease makes me wanna shave off my eyebrows...

oh no sorry, i dont have a xbox, i have ps3, i was just asking if you did :3

hahahah, shave of your eyebrows XD, the only zombie game i found that you could be effected by the virus is dead rising 1 and 2, but i found the game is very annoying, back and forth with stupid little missions, and every day you have to find zombrex(a 24 hour cure for the virus) for your doughter in the game, witch you have no point in doing, because nothing happens when she die's.
Talking about PS3 Makes me jealous, but if my aunt asks what I want for Christmas, I would choose XBOX 360 + Kinect, rather than PS3.
Scar mw2 alteriwnet or steam? or something like this?

doomjoshua: In my opinion, PS3 is better then XBOX hardware wise, but you cant find pirated games so you have to buy the original copy. And i think PS3 came up with something similar to the kinect i guess... not so sure. But its up to you...
Last edited by Scarkills; Sep 21, 2011 at 11:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Scarkills View Post
doomjoshua: In my opinion, PS3 is better then XBOX hardware wise, but you cant find pirated games so you have to buy the original copy. And i think PS3 came up with something similar to the kinect i guess... not so sure. But its up to you...

Oh, nvm then, by the way i hate scar on mw2
@Doomjoshua: Eh,I don't like motion sensing much.Jumping,ducking and waving my arms around in front of a TV is retarded in my eyes.Give me a solid comfortable gamepad and I'm good.Not to mention that Kinect is a complete ripoff of EyeToy,which was introduced in the PS2 era(and has been around since 2003).Improving the camera is hardly a great feat,but because of Microsoft's vast finances they are able to advertise it better.Not that I care much,I don't enjoy motion sensing of any kind(even the PS Move).

I've always liked Sony's consoles better,but I have played on Xboxes too.My PS1 works fine to this day.Can't say that about any of my friend's boxes xD Get whatever you like best and be happy with it

@Scarkills: You are wrong,the PS3 has been hacked.A man named George Hotz managed to do it a while back,and using his data and service keys (leaked at some point in time,enabling people to run their consoles in service mode) other people have managed to do that too.It has been jailbroken.Of course,Sony sued the guy until recently.I support the dude because like he said,you do not rent a piece of hardware from Sony(or any company for that matter),you buy it.Meaning that it's yours and you can do or run whatever the hell you want on it.The thing is,Anonymous warned Sony that if they sue the guy,they would retaliate as usual.They did that,and crashed multiple Sony websites for a few days.But another group(which may or may not have been part of Anonymous) went way further.They infiltrated the PlayStation Network and compromised a lot of people's personal info.When Sony found out,they shut down their network to investigate,causing an outrage with the online multiplayer playing people.It was down for around 20 days.The hackers also managed to steal a lot of credit card info,but they haven't used any of it for fraud.They simply wanted to prove a point.Sony's reputation was severely damaged by that incident,which is precisely the revenge the hackers wanted.But I can assure you,the PS3 is hackable,provided you don't update regularly.I'm currently running Custom Firmware 3.55 and am extremely happy with it.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT
Meh I just like the Xbox better because the controller is bigger =)

Btw, Lordtiger do you dislike all the motion sensing games?
I bought Fruit Ninja for the kinect and I love it xD
I think PS3 is way better than xbox.

1. Almost every game you can play on xbox is aviable for pc too (and there with better graphics). The only games i would by for xbox would be the halo parts.

2. Move supports more games than kinect does (for example: Killzone 3, Ressistance 3, Little Big Planet 2...)

3. A bit better graphic

4. You dont need a blu-ray player anymore

5. PS3 + 52 zoll screen + move = epic :P


btw. i like zombie games really much but i cant play Dead Island multiplayer (you cant even buy it in germany)
Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
@Doomjoshua: Eh,I don't like motion sensing much.Jumping,ducking and waving my arms around in front of a TV is retarded in my eyes.Give me a solid comfortable gamepad and I'm good.Not to mention that Kinect is a complete ripoff of EyeToy,which was introduced in the PS2 era(and has been around since 2003).Improving the camera is hardly a great feat,but because of Microsoft's vast finances they are able to advertise it better.Not that I care much,I don't enjoy motion sensing of any kind(even the PS Move).

I've always liked Sony's consoles better,but I have played on Xboxes too.My PS1 works fine to this day.Can't say that about any of my friend's boxes xD Get whatever you like best and be happy with it

@Scarkills: You are wrong,the PS3 has been hacked.A man named George Hotz managed to do it a while back,and using his data and service keys (leaked at some point in time,enabling people to run their consoles in service mode) other people have managed to do that too.It has been jailbroken.Of course,Sony sued the guy until recently.I support the dude because like he said,you do not rent a piece of hardware from Sony(or any company for that matter),you buy it.Meaning that it's yours and you can do or run whatever the hell you want on it.The thing is,Anonymous warned Sony that if they sue the guy,they would retaliate as usual.They did that,and crashed multiple Sony websites for a few days.But another group(which may or may not have been part of Anonymous) went way further.They infiltrated the PlayStation Network and compromised a lot of people's personal info.When Sony found out,they shut down their network to investigate,causing an outrage with the online multiplayer playing people.It was down for around 20 days.The hackers also managed to steal a lot of credit card info,but they haven't used any of it for fraud.They simply wanted to prove a point.Sony's reputation was severely damaged by that incident,which is precisely the revenge the hackers wanted.But I can assure you,the PS3 is hackable,provided you don't update regularly.I'm currently running Custom Firmware 3.55 and am extremely happy with it.

Lordtiger reasoning one thing...

Originally Posted by Vate View Post
Meh I just like the Xbox better because the controller is bigger =)

Btw, Lordtiger do you dislike all the motion sensing games?
I bought Fruit Ninja for the kinect and I love it xD

and vate..

and yeah I agree with you LT. sony really got a big hit from that because it proved how "safe" console it is to use.. luckily enough the hackers didnf use any of the information they got..
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]