I'm not active. ;-;

I missed like all of 3.X but I might be getting a gaming PC soon if the motivation strikes me.

Also, Hamr, you're back now whatlol? I have missed a lot, I guess.
<3 MBK :D
Liek hai!

I havent been to this place since like, last year, a lot sure has changed.

Most notably, the infamous goons seem to have dropped off the face of the planet. As problematic as they were, they were actually quite entertaining... =(

so yea, im bored and its my summer break, so i figured that id drop by.
Originally Posted by HebrewHamr View Post
Let's say we do some cleaning up here, eh?

Post here if you're still alive. Only actual members please.

/invade Cuz I can
Cina R&U, get out.
Also I'll get out too... Sowwy.
hi, I died and I have reincarnated into the body of a snail, took me a while to type this up and all because no-one lets a snail use the computer... Oh shit, Ive left a trail of cum or something on the keyboard. imok =)