Originally Posted by Killer111 View Post
Ive been playing averyday so let me tell you whats happening:

Torigods died

Omaga dies

Rockstar started

MLNM is dieing

thats about it!

Wrong. Torigod is still alive. Just because you don't see a Torigod playing, it doesn't mean we are dead. We are active in-forum, IRC and there might be some of us playing in-game ( I play ocasionally). Have you forgot that while you are sleeping, someone might be palying?

Also, this thread is about Torigod, not Omaga, Rockstar, MLNM. Omaga and Rockstar are not official clans and MLNM was barely born.
There was once a time when Torigods where the ub3rness, now it seems like that ub3rness is fading away.......erm no offence intended k
Duh, Torigod is definitely not dead. And MLNM I think has been "dieing" for the last month, their forums are extremely inactive at least.
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Torigod isn't inactive. They're just less present.

LOL yea less present.
I'm practically everywhere every day. D: Except for IRC, I temporarily forgot that place exists. I also see fellow Torigods quite often... ish.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
I'm on IRC every day and will be starting to play toribash more actively again. I've just been busy playing ikaruga and beautiful katamari on my 360, but now gained interest for playing TB again... although the community morales appear to have dropped.
Torigod can still kick our asses seven different ways till sunday...
even if they are inactive ingame, when they do show their faces, they kinda leave a mark, generally on their opponents backsides
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Zaarock View Post
I'm on IRC every day and will be starting to play toribash more actively again. I've just been busy playing ikaruga and beautiful katamari on my 360, but now gained interest for playing TB again... although the community morales appear to have dropped.

Sweet games
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

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