Buddy of mine had a similar problem where he couldn't focus on any of his school work because of video games and he couldn't really help himself because once you start a constant cycle of constantly putting back work and saying to yourself self I'll do it later and going back to playing games his grades suffered a lot and unlike a normal person he couldn't get out of the cycle.
He eventually went to a therapist they did some testing and they found out he had ADHD so then he was put on a medication to help him focus it was either Ritalin or focalin (there are a lot more though like Adderall) and from there the medication helped him do his work from what he told he me took it to go to school and do his homework and his grades did get better.
Not saying you also have ADHD but it can help to seek professional help or help from your parents on encouraging you to do your work and make sure you're on task if not you're parents try your guidance counselor they are very supportive as well.
Imo I'd ask your guardian to take you to a psychiatrist/psychologist even if you don't have something wrong disease wise they can still help you out.
If you really can't because your parents are working try and talk to your guidance counselor about the problems you're having and your unwanted thoughts, they'll usually help figure something out.
staying focused and doing your work isn't as easy as making a schedule and following it for some people and it would be even harder for someone who's still young like yourself having not as much will power as a adult would.
Also remember that addiction is classified as a disease, so don't feel like you just have to break it by yourself or have to have a realization in the bathroom or something, go get help irl there's no shame in it.
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
Originally Posted by Dejean View Post
Buddy of mine had a similar problem where he couldn't focus on any of his school work because of video games and he couldn't really help himself because once you start a constant cycle of constantly putting back work and saying to yourself self I'll do it later and going back to playing games his grades suffered a lot and unlike a normal person he couldn't get out of the cycle.
He eventually went to a therapist they did some testing and they found out he had ADHD so then he was put on a medication to help him focus it was either Ritalin or focalin (there are a lot more though like Adderall) and from there the medication helped him do his work from what he told he me took it to go to school and do his homework and his grades did get better.
Not saying you also have ADHD but it can help to seek professional help or help from your parents on encouraging you to do your work and make sure you're on task if not you're parents try your guidance counselor they are very supportive as well.
Imo I'd ask your guardian to take you to a psychiatrist/psychologist even if you don't have something wrong disease wise they can still help you out.
If you really can't because your parents are working try and talk to your guidance counselor about the problems you're having and your unwanted thoughts, they'll usually help figure something out.
staying focused and doing your work isn't as easy as making a schedule and following it for some people and it would be even harder for someone who's still young like yourself having not as much will power as a adult would.
Also remember that addiction is classified as a disease, so don't feel like you just have to break it by yourself or have to have a realization in the bathroom or something, go get help irl there's no shame in it.

Guess you know what you're talking about, because I do have ADHD. Sadly, this is a constant problem, even while I'm on the meds. I also asked my parents about the whole "See a shrink" thing and they said it was all in my head so rip.
<Universe> Memeless | <Kirito>#BigDickKirito |
<FreshKek> What's a girl? |
Try and do your homework at school or on the bus on the way home or something. Doing it away from a computer makes you unable to play and therefore should help you. Maybe even do some homework when you're in queue.
Other than that, take a break.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Hmmm ... if you do your homework on the Computer then its simple :')

i have almost the same problem in the past ...

1) Turn on your phone

2) Click on the Clock application

3) Go to Timer :')

4) set timer 15:00 min

5) play some Toribash or anything

6) after 15 min set your Timer again for 15 min

7) go do your homework

repeat steps 4 to 7

Tadaaaaa :') you have now time for work and play at the same time

with this technique .. you can do homework all day without having problem

Wait .... what if your timer start making sounds and you are in mid game :O

set it again on 2 additional mins and tadaaaa ... you finished your game and you don't remember your homework ? this will help you :'D <3
DM if interested in buying/selling TC & Art.
Place a paper on your computer screen saying, there's no time for playing games you moron. Finish your homework. It's your duty, call of duty"

Try to write this kind of stuff and placing them in your desktop or something. Try to be humorous and violent to yourself as well. All of that in the paper. Imagine that there's another you. Completly the opposite of you.
"No one will remember your name"
Get prescribed some ADHD meds. Whenever I'm on that it turns me into a homework machine. Just be sure that you're away from your computer.
Last edited by Rouxster; Oct 28, 2016 at 09:25 AM.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by eReckt View Post
Guess you know what you're talking about, because I do have ADHD. Sadly, this is a constant problem, even while I'm on the meds. I also asked my parents about the whole "See a shrink" thing and they said it was all in my head so rip.

well if the medication is prescribed to you and it's not working maybe telling the person who prescribes it that it's not working and that you need to change medication or get higher dose of it would fix the problem, Don't increase the dosage yourself or that can lead to other problems.
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
At least you're not me, ereckt. I've been screwing around on the forums all day and now it's 2am and I still have work to do. I'm lucky enough to be able to get everything done at school.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Dude I wish I was you. I just came out of an A level Physics paper in which I answered 2 out of 10 questions, since I couldn't be bothered to study
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
Just throwing in a suggestion, you need a computer to do your homework on, but you also need to not have games installed on it to do your work due to temptation (Trust me I had this problem in highschool and college, to the point I had just below 50% attendance in both and ended up doing everything the night before).

Did you ever consider going to a local library to do your work in?
1) They're quiet, meaning you can concentrate on your work
2) It's a different environment; people tend to be more productive by having a "play" environment and a work environment. You play games on your home computer, you will be more tempted to go for the more fun option 9 times out of 10.
3) It's not your computer, it's the library's. Knowing you have a time limit on the computer. (The library has to shut at some point and they're not staying open late just for you) will push you to work ever more

Heck, I force myself to the University library because I know if I'm at home I'll browse the internet or plays games and I'm 20 years old.