i would post a picture of a phallus object, but that breaks a multitude of rules.

so instead, may i comment on the shitton of drum sets drummer has. i thought you just liked drumming, turns out YOU FUCKING LOVE DRUMMING

i just thought i'd share a love of my own though.

|| you see that hawtness right there?

yeah, that's me.

nice sets drummer.

User was infracted for this post

Last edited by Chac; Apr 10, 2009 at 11:11 AM.
Originally Posted by JoshGrimes View Post

My Rickenbacker 4001. Wanted mine in Blue,but this was the last one in the shop.Guess I'll have to find someone to refinish it and repaint it.

Oh shi... That is one of my dream bass and also my fav finish on a rick
You lucky bish >.>
What's your rig?

I'll post a pic of my cheapo bass when i get a decent photo of it :P
Last edited by scheczudio; Apr 11, 2009 at 05:03 AM.
[A L P H A]
Originally Posted by Neved View Post
i would post a picture of a phallus object, but that breaks a multitude of rules.

so instead, may i comment on the shitton of drum sets drummer has. i thought you just liked drumming, turns out YOU FUCKING LOVE DRUMMING

i just thought i'd share a love of my own though.

|| you see that hawtness right there?

yeah, that's me.

nice sets drummer.

Lol, thanks, Neved! Definately, drumming is my passion.

KiTFoX, from your picture, it looks like you have a nice-ass finish on your drums! Is your first tom a free-floating tom by the way?
Last edited by Drummer; Apr 11, 2009 at 08:10 AM.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Well i am a guitarist and a sax player, but my sax is a broken P.O.S. that i cant find a picture of. So for now, you can only see pictures of my guitars

Note, these arent my pictures, but they are the exact same guitars i have. Ill get my own pics when i find a camera.

My baby, my Hamer Echotone

And my other guitar, my Samick Torino. Its for sale, so contact me if you wanna buy it.

Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
drummer, you are SO FREAKIN LUCKY. i would give anything for even one of those sets.
im stuck with this crap
Picture 001.jpg
i play a bunch of other percussion stuff too (bongos, congas, timbales, timpani, tambors, that sort of thing. and i even tried out harmonica and ocarina at one point, but i had to sell all of it besides that set [well, i technically didnt own the congas timbales and the timpani, they belonged to a friend of mine who moved] in order to get out of some debt after a did a few... unintelligent things...)
Last edited by Shmibs; Apr 14, 2009 at 05:13 AM.
u mad tho :)
Yeah, that's a bass alright.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Mhm. That's a split-coil precision pup in that sweet spot thar.
Last edited by scheczudio; Apr 12, 2009 at 01:02 PM.
[A L P H A]