Well, we don't have a cat now, we sold it a year ago.

But I loved that fluffy son of a bitch.

Well anyway he always ran into walls head first without reason. I'm surprised he didn't hurt himself badly because he realy slammed his face against the wall.

Cats are odd.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Our cat drinks out of a coffee mug instead of a bowl.

Our old cat we would lay out plates on the ground after we ate past and he would lick all the excess sauce off the plate.
My big 1 year old basset hound once jumped on me while i was asleep...And humped me rapidly..
Seriously, Im not joking at all...
I love my dog! that son of a bich did humped my stuffed animal that much there were a hole :O but hes not trying to hump anymoar cuz he knows hes a gangsta
Liez ^^^^
Also the time when i was little and i use to throw a ball under a Table, then my Little white puffy dog would slide into the table...
My cat once jumped in to the bath tub, thinking it was empty. It was full.
He had like a crazy reflex, and jumped straight out again. Then he looks around like "lolwut just happened?"

Also he trys to lick my hair, like, all the time.
Originally Posted by Dargoba View Post
My female dog would rub her ass on the lawn by putting her back legs up and pushing herself with her hands. Now I'm not sure if it was in an Erotic way or.... She really needed to scratch. xD

Errrr, thats when dogs have worms :I

Not cool.

Anways, we have a sliding glass door to our garden, and before we bathed our dog, we let her out for a toilet. We bathed her, and i shut the door to stop her going outside and rolling in mud, when she then ran down the stairs and high speed, turn the corner to the door sharply, and preceded to smash her face against the glass.