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Why do mac users buy macs?

Perhaps for the synergy, perhaps for the quality materials, maybe even just for looks. But CERTAINLY not for gaming!

Perhaps if Apple wanders into the gaming business, this would change, but with very few pcs available with more powerful graphics cards, I can't imagine more "hardcore" gamers buying a mac. (hardcore as in running intensive games like metro, crysis, JC2, etc.) Valve's source engine is friendly enough for most macs to run very well, so of course TF2 will have no problems and if that is you favorite game, as it is mine for MP, then a Mac would suffice for sure. But I also enjoy my eyecandy, so I took the self built path.
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Mac is better for everything except for games. If you want a computer good for designing stuff, you go mac. If you want one for gaming you go pc. Although the macs stats are lower, i would still go with it.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
If Steve Jobs or Gil Amelio made the decision to license the Mac OS back when Microsoft was still just a word processing company, we'd be running the Mac OS on all our Dell, Asus, and Toshiba computers today. The reason they didn't is because Apple has always been about controlling the entire user experience for every one of its customers. If you have one company that ships the same software on the same hardware, the level of precision they can attain in custom tailoring the user experience is incredible.

Well that's the problem (depending on the perspective). It waters down the possibilities for users to find something with a fair price.
About incredible "tailoring"...That's only true if one is the type of ignorant users who depend on a company to decide for them... In my opinion having more hardware choices and flexibility (in contrast with Mac inflexibility concerning hardware) can only be good.
But that's my personal opinion. I'm all about freedom of choice. I don't like to be dictated what to choose... Not from a company, not from a trend, not from a society. I'd rather have the liberty to pick all those things for me... And specially not being asked to pay an unfair price, that's why I personally wouldn't pick a mac.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
That's why things like the iPod took off so well. Do you think if Apple just created the OS behind the iPod and then let it run on Zunes and random mp3 players it would have been as wildly successful as it was? No. Apple creates the hardware, Apple creates the software, and no one else in the industry is as good as they are at making them sync just perfectly in an attractive package.

That would be argumentum ad populum. Just because its popular it doesn't mean its better. In fact that's something you can understand just from watching the society around you. A lot of people eventually end up making ridiculous sacrifices and dumb choices just for the sake of trendiness and fashion. Its all about marketing gimmicks where specs and quality doesn't mean much more than the exalted mediocrity that sells.
I know its kinda subjective, but the Iphone is a good example of that. Ipod is no different. anythingbutipod.com is probably one of the rare websites that are not "infected" with the ipod plague, where you can trully find alternatives with better specs and sound quality. And yes, good open-source and multi-platform operative systems like Rockbox are the future. Same for smart phones. Linux-based operative systems like android are on the right path. Totally teaching the industry a lesson. Its only good for consumers. Same for PC operative systems.
Better prices, great functionality, epic flexibility... Well, just watch.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
It's funny that you talk about the Macintosh as being a heavily closed system, when their current OS along with their upcoming release of their mobile OS, iOS4, is a lot more open-source friendly than Windows 7's tangled mass of proprietary APIs. In fact the entire Mac OS X lineup has had more similarities with a Unix based operating system than any other non-open-source OS to date.

Now I understand that, I'm not a supporter for microsoft's Windows phone 7 either (or any other non-open-souce OS). But its not by comparing apple to microsoft that'll make it sound any better than it is. lol.
But in my opinion its only a matter of time before linux-based stuff like android takes over, or, hopefully, the Linaro project will push up something interesting and trigger massive competition. Win situation for customers.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
When it comes down to it, you are paying a premium for synergy between hardware and software, and if you don't care about how those sync and would rather buy a bunch of parts and construct your own gaming rig, then more power to you. But understand that there's a reason why Mac users buy Macs.

That's why I'd rather try to afford alternatives that have something as good or better in terms of symbiosis between hardware and software. Currently, you can have something better without paying premium prices, which would allow you to invest where it really needs investment: specs. For me it all comes down to the relation between specs and prices... So now you know why I wouldn't pick a Mac. Its a rational choice. Not hatred.
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jun 17, 2010 at 12:54 AM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Why do mac users buy macs?

Perhaps for the synergy, perhaps for the quality materials, maybe even just for looks. But CERTAINLY not for gaming!

Perhaps if Apple wanders into the gaming business, this would change, but with very few pcs available with more powerful graphics cards, I can't imagine more "hardcore" gamers buying a mac. (hardcore as in running intensive games like metro, crysis, JC2, etc.) Valve's source engine is friendly enough for most macs to run very well, so of course TF2 will have no problems and if that is you favorite game, as it is mine for MP, then a Mac would suffice for sure. But I also enjoy my eyecandy, so I took the self built path.

Now with steam for mac, most of my PC games are also available on mac. Because of this, I will be adding a macbook pro to my small army of computers in the coming months.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
wow. epic fail dude. u shoulda wen with the alien. specialy since it has a dual i5 processor. thats epic. now what i think u should do is sell ur mack and save up to get the alien or maybe an even better computer.
Lifted + KiwiPie2 + IMKing360
Originally Posted by IMking360 View Post
wow. epic fail dude. u shoulda wen with the alien. specialy since it has a dual i5 processor. thats epic. now what i think u should do is sell ur mack and save up to get the alien or maybe an even better computer.


You're a funny guy. Why are you so impressed with an i5? Also its mac and alienware btw.

Like War_Hero said before, you should have waited, the new macs are a lot better. You could also get an iMac. Same price as the alienware and basically the same stuff inside.
Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
I've been gaming on Macs since 1993. I'm currently packing one of the recent unibody MacBook Pros, with Windows 7 and the latest OS X on it. Runs TF2, League of Legends, etc. just fine.

The neat thing about Macs is you can do more with them than PCs, without pirating or installing a bunch of extra software. PCs are better for gaming, for your money, but I enjoy doing more with my computer than just word processing and computer games.


But if all you wanted to do is gaming, build your own PC. Spend more money on better components though ($1500?) since you were gonna spend $2000 in the 1st place.
Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
@qq5ben: i5s are kick ass processors and i think macs are so overrated

Lol, you think they are overrated cause you can't afford one, therefore you have never tried one.