Hi im pamist im win with a lot of good belts, i win with Hug, Hyperman, and one man of elite clan sorry from bad english im from poland. Im aikido player i want to teach ninjutsu and running i hope you add me to clan
Belt: Black Belt
Gmt: +08:00
Forum Activity: Medium
Ingame Activity: Almost everyday
Best Mods: Taekkyon , Wushu , Judo , Aikido , i dont play jousting that much but i still know how to play it...
Reasons of Joining: I am a Trustworthy Person .Well if you trust me and i think i can be a great member of my very first clan...I'll do everything I CAN....
Talents: Uhmm..... I Pen Tap..hey you said talents...and the best part is I AM A HUSTLER IN TORIBASh ... ^^hope thats gonna be called an "application"....
forum activity:scarcely ever
in game:every day
best mod:judo aikido jousting
reason of joining:i like this clan and i hope i will learn new moves^^
talents:i will turn the battel when the enemie think he will win