i have played with my member.... if is y es... ill make a clean up....
i don't want have a shitty clan....
toricash, this thread isn't just about whether *your* clan is good or not. Please focus on the main topic: the overall state of new clans and the officialization process.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Yes, most of the lengthy arguments here are good... but there was always the problem that members pose to each other. All it would take is someone like me to say something bad about a clan, and people would immediately be predisposed to thinking a certain way. I'm of the mind that everyone should deserve their fair shot at running a clan. I'm not talking about setting up polls, because that's really not very fair at all. A member could play this game for years on end, from Singapore. Because Singapore is 12 hours off from the US (which seems to be where a substantial amount of our members come from) that entire section of the community might not know this person or their clan at all. Then, the members being stupid and never listening to what I say, just vote "no" instead of doing some research. Or, even better, they start little underground groups that just vote "no new clans" on every poll. Or, best yet, the new clans "ally" with each other and suddenly a number of people larger than the older members of the community will zerg rush the "yes" option, and they get in just because they told everyone to vote for them.

I am fully against giving that kind of power to the people now... I was getting fed up with the way polls operated and the Council only served to further press that conviction. I'm sorry for those of you who did the voting properly, but you are outweighed by the sheer number of users that didn't.

This system works like it does in most every other game. You pay a fee, you get to make a clan. You call it what you want, you do what you want about members. The community knows which clans it should respect and which are less worthy of that. I'm sure you'll come to understand why this is done how it is... a community growing like this one can't be managed like it was before.
Well, I respectfully disagree with that post Mbk. Of course, people could Zerg rush the yes option, and vise versa. But, There needs to be SOMETHING else done other than just telling them, "Hey, pay 20k and get to recruit a bunch of idiots and get a forum to never use!". Some clans, Like [Hung]( and [Tjkd]( have like two threads in the forum... And they are usually "Congratulations" threads. If there IS going to be a fee, and not a poll, at least make it like, 50k again. Or, we could just get all the Moderators, GameKeepers, and Administrators, could have a poll. That would TRULY tell whether the clan is wanted or not.

Or we could have seperate fees. Like say, 15k for Forum, 15k for a spot on the ToriClans, and another 50k for server (Which is alreasy in use[The server part])
Last edited by Magmaa; Apr 26, 2008 at 06:45 PM.
Church of BnW
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
I was getting fed up with the way polls operated and the Council only served to further press that conviction.

And what was wrong with the council?
It worked wonderfully before.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

A lot of ppl might make clans just for the sake of having a server. Think about it: buy some tcs, get some like-minded ppl together, and you get a server to rule.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
And what was wrong with the council?
It worked wonderfully before.

The slow process perhaps?
Though I would prefer that to the current option.

Another potential issue of councils is that they can be destroyed rather quickly when Order 66 is given by a Sith lord.

As already suggested a mod/admin/GK (and perhaps clan leader) only poll could work maybe.
Last edited by lancer_c; Apr 26, 2008 at 07:20 PM.
Originally Posted by lancer_c View Post

As already suggested a mod/admin/GK (and perhaps clan leader) only poll could work maybe.

I never thought we should bring back polls to be honest, because group decision making is just generally so aggravating for me to see. I also don't think that there should be polls like lancer here has suggested, they could end up being biased.
Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
I also don't think that there should be polls like lancer here has suggested, they could end up being biased.

Well, the idea with that would be to eliminate the possibility of the "zerg rushing yes votes" (as MBK mentioned) as well as limit the voting to the "community representatives" (GKs, mods, leaders etc.) that would potentially be able to think though the voting fair and maturely... Though that’s pretty much what the council tried to achieve, but in this way there wouldn't be a requirement that all votes must be placed; seeing as their would be more potential voters then the small council group but far less then the community as a whole.

In any case every potential solution at this stage has its problems (in this case a bias vote could still arise) it would seem, so I see where you are coming from.
Last edited by lancer_c; Apr 26, 2008 at 07:40 PM.