Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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So, goodbye then
Ok, i've already announced quite I while ago that I might quit TB and it looks like the time has come to say goodbye. I'll hang around a few more days in the forums and make a goodbye vid (and ofc, upload the Clan Vid), and after that I'll finally quit.

Why? It has nothing to do with you guys, Aeon is uberly awesome and one of the few Clans who unites Skill, Activity and Fun altogether.
It's more because of TB. I've put a large part of my free time into it and now I kinda feel like I wasted way too much of my time. Sure, it was fun here, but after I couldn't access TB for an week the last bit of a drive to stay died.

Well, so if you ever had a problem with me/are angry on me or something say it. Throw your stones, I won't be angry^^
If you want to stay in contact you can PM me for email address and ICQ number (although I check my mails like 1 time a week, lol).

And thanks to all the people who gave me quite a good time here in TB^^

@TheAnimal: You got soem nice Clan running here, and thanks again for inviting me to it right after you created it ;) bye m8
@Spaft: You. So. Rich °.° xD Nah, you're a nice guy and you have a good taste of music (IMO) ;) bye
@Analwache: Sometimes you're just plain annoying, but you also can be funny and stuff xD bai
@SilentAssassin: You're one of the people who really, really deserves the Elite Rank, your extremely engaged! Keep it up ;) bb
@gerfight: You aren't in Aeon, but I think you'll read this xD It was funny to hang out with you ingame, you have some hilarious sense of humor xD Ciao
@omqq: Got a lot better since the time I meet him first, go on like this and you'll be pro^^ bye-bye
@Sockete: One of the people I played with regularly in Aeon rooms, will miss our wushu fights^^ obai
@Garkin: We see us in RL :V See ya soon
@Chido: Ich schreibs mal in deutsch ;) War nett mit dir zu spielen, aus Teams League is ja leider nix geworden, wir sehen uns in ICQ^^
@Banned/Inactive Persons: You missed you chance to be mentioned in my goodbye list, SHAME ON YOU xD
@Others I forgot: Sowwi, write your rage messages in this thread and I might add you ;)

@Fluxen: Didn't know you as long as most of the others, but you seem like a cool guy to me and you pwn at running^^ Bye
@Boonana: Same as Fluxen, didn't know you for very long, but you made me lol pretty often xD Cucumbers ftw!
@Leoseph: Sorry das ich dene Head Texture immmer noch nicht beendet hab, ich bin ein hoffnungslos fauler Sack^^ bb

Soooo, then I'll start makin this Vid and upload it here in a few days^^

P.S.: Don't ask me for my Items
P.P.P.S.: Geez, took a while to write this :|

EDIT 1: Added some People^^
Last edited by xDeideix; Apr 5, 2010 at 06:02 PM. Reason: Fluxen, Boonana, Leoseph
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die
fukk, fukk fukk fukk fukk fuuuk, FAWK EPIIIC FAWK!

oh, well, if i see you anytime don't matter wehn in another clan, playing tb again, i will rip off ur head and bump it as my toilet pape..... bla bla bla- angry wish-wash....

Well, u were the most funniest psycho i evre saw, i still don't know you RL name, but u will always be remembered, as a big fat assho... noo wait, as my friend.... :3
Bye, and thx for showing us CC, ist so awesum! :3
Its so bad that you leave tb q_q
You was one who was really good in making textures/videos/pictures and so on, I will miss you ;(
But not just because your textures/videos/pictures and so on... because you was really important for the clan>.<
oh, well, if i see you anytime don't matter wehn in another clan, playing tb again, i will rip off ur head and bump it as my toilet pape.....

Won't happen, promise ;)

Well, u were the most funniest psycho i evre saw, i still don't know you RL name, but u will always be remembered, as a big fat assho... noo wait, as my friend....

Hahaha, kay xD

Bye, and thx for showing us CC, ist so awesum!


Btw IF, and only IF Aeon ever is dying or something you may ask me to awaken from my TB slumber^^

You was one who was really good in making textures/videos/pictures and so on, I will miss you ;(
But not just because your textures/videos/pictures and so on... because you was really important for the clan>.<

Thx :O
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die
1st u fogot me xD
2nd Well all miss u! if u got msn or skype please PM me. u were awesome. byebye
You'll never be half the man your mother is!
Yeah, can you see that, I'm the only person that got 2 lines for the last sentences! xD

Deidei, you are going to come back later, aren't you D:
I already miss you and your awesomeness

1st u fogot me xD

I'll add you later today^^

2nd Well all miss u! if u got msn or skype please PM me. u were awesome. byebye

Nah, only ICQ D:

Yeah, can you see that, I'm the only person that got 2 lines for the last sentences! xD

Lol, gerfs awesomeness was too big for just one sentence :O

Deidei, you are going to come back later, aren't you D:

It doesn't looks like I'll come back atm, but I change my mind pretty often^^

I already miss you and your awesomeness

Me too^^
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die
Bybye xdeideix.
I have only one thing to say: Yuor handflames is freakin cool.
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?