I will have shutter shades, headphones, and green hat from those shiai tokens just watch me. (not red subs though, everyone knows they suck)
I shall choose headphones! Cuz they make da bass drop.(wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwaawubwubwubwub)
Oh btw, I got battlefield 4. A bit buggy, and the hitmarkers are derpy, but hey. It's a bit better than COD at least.

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

I think shades are, I don't know I've pretty much given up already xD.
Also, yay no exams anymore for you!
Also Also, yay I won us our first clan war!
I thought it was between elite and bncy haha :3 (that's impossible btw, since bncy is not doing a war again .-.)
anyway, good job snook , oh I also see that you're already dq'd from the double trouble events, right? :c maybe next time you'd win it
u wot m8
It's an in-game events, you have to create a team consists of 2 members, and then you should fight again the other team, if you lose by 4 times, then you'll be dq'd, but it's already start now so you can't join it
u wot m8
Quit my job today. If any of you living in the US have considered working for dollar general don't do it
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol