There was a giant explosion in China and now South Korea is having a mers outbreak. Poor Asia

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Name dustin
Age 12 almost 13
Replays no good ones
Competitive game modes boxshumushu-v3 and abd
im a black belt and I have seen trestet a few times. Im rank 154 and im trying to get under 100.
hey my name is D'Anthony also know as legitop0, im 16 years old .im in the central time zone of america.I play judo,akido,bigakido,mushu,wushu,and tekken .I play toribash daily ,i luv to play sports the time im not play toribash .Im a nice truthful person ,who likes competition and working hard. skype:LegitBoyGaming

Last edited by Cheshyre; May 20, 2018 at 06:52 AM.
MoonBoiling's Application (Format by Trestet)
Hello Obey. I am interested in joining the clan, so let's see what will happen.

Information about Me
First I will give you some information about myself and then I will be talking about some of the more important stuff. So my real name is Mathias and I am 18 years old. I live in Denmark and my GMT is +1. I really like talking with people on skype and to have fun together.Also my skype is "Mathias.brolykke1". Otherwise i love going to the Gym, and just being with friends partying and such, and yeah playing this sweet gem of a game. Also i got the coolest parrot ever. Nothing really more to say about me.

Toribash Account History
Now I will be talking about my toribash history. So first of my In-Game name is MoonBoiling.I joined the game about early 2010. I have been playing since then (With a break between 2013-2015) and the game is still fun for me. Now after 3 years of playing I wanna try to join Obey. Anyway, I am Brown Belt now(Was 4'thdan), and I am not higher, because I have been betting a lot lately. I had a lot of consideration about if I should apply, because some people say I have the chance of actually joining the clan and that means a lot to me. I know its really hard to join Obey, but still I wanna try and see what happens. When I first joined the game, I was so into it that I was spamming the heck out of it and watching tutorials of people, but later I just decided to learn new stuff by myself. I was just training a lot and i really liked the result. I prefer people to call me "Brolykke" and not by my full name. And now i'm on a journey to get Rank 1, which i'm pretty close to atm around the low 100's

Why did i choose [Obey]
This is the most important paragraph in my opinion, because I will describe the reasons I wanna join Obey here. So yeah i have been playing Toribash since 2010 as i said earlier, so in what 2012 when Obey started i began to notice you guys, i started to want to join Obey more and more, so then my break began. So yeah now i'm back and i have been seeing Trestet's streams and also war'd Obey 1 or 2 times so i hope that Hattersin and Spartin will remember me i was in a clan called TFR when we war'd which was just a clan i were in to war with them cuz they asked for some help. But yeah else Obey is kinda my dream Clan and i will be the most Loyal member you can get, if you doubt that one bit let me prove it to you.

Fighting / Favourite Mods
Here I will be talking about my favourite/good Mods. So my favourite fighting mod is Aikido Big Dojo, but I also like playing Aikido, Greykido, and Boxshu. I also like playing any other fun mods, but these are the main ones I usually play.

How often do i play and how often am i on the forums
I'm playing around 3+ hour each day, and i'm always using the forums atleast 5+ hours a day, looking at art and such connecting with other people, and such things.

What i can bring to Obey.
I'm a highly skilled Greykid, and ABD player, where i can go toe to toe with the best players, so you're sure to get some war wins when i'm there. And i'm a pretty chill and funny dude so you'll also get some great laughs with me, so i'm pretty much a good time to be with. Also i do not have any replays on this computer atm, but you can ask Hattersin or Spartin about my skill.

Thank you for reading my Application,
MoonBoiling. (Format by Trestet)

(Credits to Trestet for the format many thanks love <3)

Fire's biggest fanboy
Former Event Squad
Originally Posted by duster1231 View Post
Name dustin
Age 12 almost 13
Replays no good ones
Competitive game modes boxshumushu-v3 and abd
im a black belt and I have seen trestet a few times. Im rank 154 and im trying to get under 100.

Originally Posted by legitop0 View Post
hey my name is D'Anthony also know as legitop0, im 16 years old .im in the central time zone of america.I play judo,akido,bigakido,mushu,wushu,and tekken .I play toribash daily ,i luv to play sports the time im not play toribash .Im a nice truthful person ,who likes competition and working hard. skype:LegitBoyGaming

Sub-par app. Both denied, sorry :)
PM me with any and all questions
Oh thought it was over a week, sorry my bad guys, and thanks Spartin means alot.!
Last edited by MoonBoiling; Sep 3, 2015 at 01:54 PM.

Fire's biggest fanboy
Former Event Squad
Hello its me... again the 3rd application

Well heres my reason to re-apply hear me out
I feel like i have changed, alot since i last applied, i mean i've been playing with quite alot of [Obey] Members and im really enjoying myself, i just think it would be awesome to have an oppourtunity to represent this clan and just meet new people and have fun

A little bit about me
Im Toby, im 14 (my voice is annoying as hell i know) i love playing Toribash and many other games, i have fun skyping people and just having a laugh :P im pretty stupid alot of the time but i like to make people laugh and put a smile on someones face when they are having a bad day
i appear to a bit of a idiot/cocky in game but most people dont catch on to my "sarcasticness" :P

Why do i want to join [Obey]?
Well i kinda stated my reason earlier on in this application but ill go into more detail. I just want to have fun while playing and represent a good clan, i would stay with this clan and be a loyal member and if someone is feeling down i would try my best to cheer them up, my goal is to get into this clan and settle down and just have no problems with any other clan members

What do i bring to this clan?
I think i can be kinda funny and confident unintentionally and i think i will make some people happy and im an active toribash player so you wouldnt have to worry about me going in-active unless im on holiday or other things i would let you know before i do go in-active, I also offer a fun time while playing toribash, you'll never get bored when playing with me i promise <3 i can also spar with other members of the Obey Family, however im still quite new to sparring so i hope to learn a few things off the more

Why Obey?
I dont really have a solid answer, however something just keeps pulling me back to the application thread and i just love playing with the member's that i do play with and it would be an honor to represent Obey

Contact me
toby.torres2 -Skype -email

My application isnt aslong as my last one because i feel like some people know what im like i havent changed to much but i've become more mature since my last application

What music do i like?
I like alot of music, however i love my chemical romance songs and rock songs :P my favorite band is probably my chemical romance (insert insult here) i dont mind other types of music but 2nd would be dubstep or whatever electro music

Hobbies when im not playing video games?
I like to learn base lines of songs on my keyboard (im pretty shit) i like to hang around with my friends(suprise i actually have friends o_O) i like to play football or soccer or what ever the hell you want to call it, i also love photography i find it really fun and sometimes the photo's i can take are really good in my opinion :P
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