Man I wish I could make such a masterpiece it is the finest and most gruesome, from an artistic point of view, video I have ever seen.
As soon as saw this I saw a yoga pants with a nice ass. Damn and that slow-mo action. Too good. And damn how many people they used?! Too bad I never saw the movie. 10/10
Team Sad
Matrix was the bomb!

So where are you guys, no posts, no skype messages, no one in the irc, no in-game servers..

Are you all alright?!
I'm around ;3
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Kingsta View Post
Matrix was the bomb!

So where are you guys, no posts, no skype messages, no one in the irc, no in-game servers..

Are you all alright?!

I didn't know about an IRC chat.

What is the room name? .-.
Originally Posted by Chris937 View Post
I didn't know about an IRC chat.

What is the room name? .-.

I don't really IRC though.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I don't really IRC though.

Thank you, I'm on it now. :P

Hey guys, do you know somebody that makes Banners for Clans? I'd like to change mine.
Make an art request in the forum, people will do it quite quickly there for a price!
I won't be on the irc today. I'm unavailable, but I'm on whenever I can during the week.

If you guys did at least one of those things efficiently I'd be happy..