Originally Posted by sprynpry View Post
lol my parents, whenever i say i have a friend, and they are online. my mom is like "They are probobly a serial killer, you never know" and believe me, she thinks everyone online is out to kill me xD but im like "its not like i give them my address"shes like "... doesnt matter"

god everyone hatin on us serial killers we don't go after just anybody we just want to kill who fits our stile (jk anybody thinks im serious talking to you NSA)
Hello, I am sorry but I have left origin, the reasons have been specified to zeus im sorry for this having to happen but I can no longer deal with these problems
Originally Posted by Primal View Post
You'll be back in time :/

stop that. Be nice, buddy.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
It happened to me.

I left, thought I could lead my own clan, flopped after 3 months.

Then joined back XD
Origin For Life
I am leaving
Hey guys, I'm going to leave the clan due to events involving my friends cat4hbk, Hecate, and MaxPara. They left on their own decision due to the personalities of some of the other members, and because i was already considering leaving the clan, the rude comments and totally uncalled for insults to them has reinforced my own decision to leave. My resignation was in no way influenced by cat4hbk, Hecate, or MaxPara, but instead it is a direct response to the childish remarks of arrzzygg, Primal, and D3ive.
Originally Posted by rylando237 View Post
Hey guys, I'm going to leave the clan due to events involving my friends cat4hbk, Hecate, and MaxPara. They left on their own decision due to the personalities of some of the other members, and because i was already considering leaving the clan, the rude comments and totally uncalled for insults to them has reinforced my own decision to leave. My resignation was in no way influenced by cat4hbk, Hecate, or MaxPara, but instead it is a direct response to the childish remarks of arrzzygg, Primal, and D3ive.

Okay have a nice day. Damn looks like Faith is talking stuff into people
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.
Originally Posted by D3ive View Post
Okay have a nice day. Damn looks like Faith is talking stuff into people

Tbh we only stated we left and why we left, I do not ask for anyone to leave with us, they left on their own. Im sorry that this is what you think.
Originally Posted by Hecate View Post
Tbh we only stated we left and why we left, I do not ask for anyone to leave with us, they left on their own. Im sorry that this is what you think.

We would like you to stop posting here atleast for a week. I know this is invaders welcome, but this is for the best
I don't want to hear anything about Faith and Origin conflict
Last edited by D3ive; Jul 1, 2016 at 04:45 PM.
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.