Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
A new episode of kiss x sis just aired it seems 8^)

Totally not watching that! wink wink
I managed to download that grisaia no kajitsu VS.. No idea what to do now ;_;

Apathetic User
concon, you have properly installed it, right?

you must help me, I have installed everything in it, but still cant install it

Apathetic User
i mean like.

I downloaded it all

I doublechecked that I have it all

I opened the setup on english patch

boom, now I do not know what I am supposed to do.

(asks for folder where I should install it in or something.)

No matter where I put it, it gives me this: http://prntscr.com/6znxgd

Apathetic User
have you installed the downloaded version of the game?
pretty sure you need to patch after installing the game.

(it works that way when you crack games)
cage the gargoyle
Yeah, you install the game (5gb or more) and the run the patch and it will replace the Japanese text with English. You need to install the game in Japanese first though.
where do I download the japanese one though

I went to frontwing.jp, didnt find it there

Apathetic User