I wouldn't say Eve is the weakest character in the game and she is DEFINITELY one of the better ones in dominion. Dominion point of view is coming from about 8 "top tier" champions, eve being one of them because of her mobility and stealth, providing pretty solid caps.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
I wouldn't say Eve is the weakest character in the game and she is DEFINITELY one of the better ones in dominion. Dominion point of view is coming from about 8 "top tier" champions, eve being one of them because of her mobility and stealth, providing pretty solid caps.

I would disagree, people have too much emphasis on mobility in rating a champions usefulness in dominion. While it's nice, her overall survivability is too low to really be effective, as you can't cap while invis. Any decent defense will already have a champion near enough to any of the 3 points a team will normally have defending, and that champion will easily be capable of raping that eve.

What's really good in dominion, at least imo, is low cd, aoe with high survivability for defense, and either good survivability + dps or survivability + mobility or dps + mobility. Anything listed second has lower emphasis than the first criteria. Eve's survivability isn't high enough to constitute either of the first 3, and her dps is negligable compared to other champs. Invis doesn't buy her any brownie points in my perspective.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Karthus going top in dominion is shit funny. Stay back by capping the closest point, then rush straight on to the point, as the fighting should still be going on there, and just activate your e. They're either forced to back off and give your team the cap, or they have to kill you and thus take focus off your team, plus let you still fuck shit up on the point for the next 7 seconds. It's an almost guaranteed cap for your team if they take advantage of it.

Also, I have yet to lose a game of dominion as karthus. Global ult + amazing early turret offense and great late turret defense leaves me wondering why more people don't use him.

Hahaha, oh wow.

This post made me try karthus on dominion and after 2 games I was pretty amazed. Karthus does really, really well here. Thanks for drawing my attention to him, I wouldn't think of trying that myself.

By the way mobility is getting less important atm in dominion it seems, especially as the current meta is formed into something like 'capture three and defend', while earlier it was often about getting 5 lightning fast champions and capping points like crazy.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Disregarding dominion, eve is absolutely useless.

She used to have a stun coming out of her stealth, which made her relatively useful, but now a slow is just hilarious, you can either burst her down from being so squishy or simply walk away from her ganks

not to mention how worthless she is in teamfights
I'm back to playing this game.
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So, thoughts on Xerath?

I think he's going to be fun, but not practical. Still gonna buy him though, cause I'm a sucker for artillery (been playing kog'maw a lot recently)
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
well if he's anything like the last 10 champions released, we can expect two things
6300 IP
and be weak upon release, slightly buffed, QQd hardcore about, nerfed slightly, and never to be played again even though they're fairly strong


and soon to be lee sin
Last edited by 2worlds; Sep 29, 2011 at 12:20 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
well if he's anything like the last 10 champions released, we can expect two things
6300 IP
and be weak upon release, slightly buffed, QQd hardcore about, nerfed slightly, and never to be played again even though they're fairly strong


and soon to be lee sin

don't forget skarner. except no one ever plays him.

(saw this one skarner wreck shit in a dominion game lately, though.)
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
well if he's anything like the last 10 champions released, we can expect two things
6300 IP
and be weak upon release, slightly buffed, QQd hardcore about, nerfed slightly, and never to be played again even though they're fairly strong


and soon to be lee sin

only after 3 patches orianna is now extremely average and is outclassed by a number of burst mages

other then that mad ult
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
well if he's anything like the last 10 champions released, we can expect two things
6300 IP
and be weak upon release, slightly buffed, QQd hardcore about, nerfed slightly, and never to be played again even though they're fairly strong


and soon to be lee sin

Lee Sin is't going to be nerfed is he?
EDIT: What does everyone think of Wukong? After playing a few games as him he seems fun.
Last edited by fat0ninja; Sep 29, 2011 at 12:48 PM.