Endurance Onslaught 6.0
So I just played a bunch of games of dominion with a couple mates.

Holy fuck I've never had that much fun in LoL ever.

We pretty much cemented our team strat, as it's worked like 90% of the time.

We could probably do with changing yi or xin out of our rotation, but xin has some nice tanking capabilities for his dps and Yi doesn't want to play anybody else ._.

But anyways, we have Kass, and Xin rush to windmill, mainly to poke, cap if possible, with Panth running to 2nd top before joining us at windmill to cement a cap. Meanwhile, Yi and Heimer rush bot and play hyper defensive. If we get hard rushed top, again we juke and poke, Yi cycles top, Heimer pushes their bot, Panth either comes top or takes their 2nd top depending on the amount of people who came top and their characters.

Since we pretty much universally get the first 3 caps in the game this way (like I said, works like 90% of the time), we then play hyper defensive at top, normally me as Kass juking in the top brush with my ult and flash to prevent a cap or roaming between windmill and 2nd top if they've been flanking a lot, Xin playing actual defense under windmill unless he has to cycle, Panth and Yi roam, but tend to stick near bot lane, Heim is almost always at bot tower, sometimes changing up to 2nd top if they flank.

God, gg riot for coming out with this. I'm sorry for getting mad at your wait times @.@
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I take back my statement about wait times.

Got in queue with a couple guys, it said estimated time to wait was 5 minutes. It was also saying you will have abnormally long wait times in queue for dominion. In retrospect, they should have put some fucking numbers as to what "abnormally long" meant.

Case and point, 49 minutes later, we were still waiting. We decided to re-enter queue.

We got in after waiting 4 minutes.

gg riot. gg
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Speaking of shit teams

>Trynd goes 1/8 in the start
>Not showing up for teamfights until 50 minutes in
>Idiot jungler never wards, refuses to give me blue buff until 35 minutes in, lose every dragon until 40 minutes along with first baron.
>pretty much single handedly carried my team

also like this trynd, got 3 shotted by vayne and never ulted... he was so terrible.
I had so much gold by the end I was buying the green elixirs just cause i wanted the glow. This was 45 minutes in

Goddamn i am a fucking god with kassadin

Also their vayne/teemo were so bad that I literally could riftwalk, QE them, then 2-3 autoattacks and they'd be dead.
Last edited by 2worlds; Sep 23, 2011 at 07:08 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post


Oh god tiamat on trynd... wait... full tank cho? No boots vayne? Warmog teemo? FROZEN MALLET SHENASDJASFKJLA I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
just had my first ranked in season two ...
it ended up havin 12-3-8
and 300 creeps... we still lost....
so bad... such a bad team i hate my elo....

DOMINION ROCKS YEAh i had 1.2k points on one game :3
and 1k on the other... one game made me ending up with only 600.., but teemo isnt such a viable pick as i thought he would... (tankyteemo btw)
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Dominion is a hell of a lot of fun, so far I've noticed just pretty much most carries/anti-carries are really strong in it, especially those with a lot of mobility.

A couple champs to take note of are nocturne, gangplank, and heimer.

Nocturne's ult at level 16 has the range of pretty much half the map, which is #1
Gp can stop backdoor caps with his ult
Heimer can just fucking place two turrets and have one point be uncappable the entire game

Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Dominion is a hell of a lot of fun, so far I've noticed just pretty much most carries/anti-carries are really strong in it, especially those with a lot of mobility.

A couple champs to take note of are nocturne, gangplank, and heimer.

Nocturne's ult at level 16 has the range of pretty much half the map, which is #1
Gp can stop backdoor caps with his ult
Heimer can just fucking place two turrets and have one point be uncappable the entire game


Akali seems pretty decent too.