Hey, what do you guys do for hobbies in your non-toribash lives?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Im been okay. Rather worn out from school but, thankfully, the school year is almost over. And yourself(s?)
I didin't actually beat her.
School mostly, but I'm the vice chairman of my high schools student union and I'm also a board member of the union of upper secondary school students in Finland.
So those are like my hobbies.
Band. That's about it, considering my legs have acquired some serious damage last year in wrestling.
I didin't actually beat her.
Originally Posted by seargentit View Post
Im been okay. Rather worn out from school but, thankfully, the school year is almost over. And yourself(s?)

Ah, so am I. I've been putting in 12-hour days for the most part with my online schooling. All is well though, marks are above 90%. Do you enjoy school at all?

Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
School mostly, but I'm the vice chairman of my high schools student union and I'm also a board member of the union of upper secondary school students in Finland.
So those are like my hobbies.

What do you do in that position?

Originally Posted by haXu View Post
Hit the gym, and after that hang out with my friends

^^ Is physical health really important to you? I've always personally neglected it, probably to my detriment.

Originally Posted by seargentit View Post
Band. That's about it, considering my legs have acquired some serious damage last year in wrestling.

What do you play? Also, that sounds really painful. Is it healed at all, or is it still causing you a lot of problems?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Sure, every person will only have one body in their entire life, so don't let it down ;) The alps are waiting for me, after i finished all my tests for this semester. Only have been skiing for a week this winter :/ well, till now, and winter ain't over just yet :3 Maybe i'll go to swiss or france, wherever the snow is good ;)
Element <3
Originally Posted by haXu View Post
Its not my super number 1 priority, but ofcourse being physically healthy is good for anyone.

Of course, of course. It's good to keep healthy. I really need to do that.

Originally Posted by openfield View Post
Sure, every person will only have one body in their entire life, so don't let it down ;) The alps are waiting for me, after i finished all my tests for this semester. Only have been skiing for a week this winter :/ well, till now, and winter ain't over just yet :3 Maybe i'll go to swiss or france, wherever the snow is good ;)

That sounds pretty enjoyable. Where are you originally from?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]