Krulls got married and moved on from toribash ripparoni. Hes livin the life tho man
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yeah, although i don't think he's doing it atm there's anmessage when you open the page. (at least i got one just now).
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His store has been down for almost a year now. Since tbe new mistress lickety cut was run when he was with his ex if I'm not mistaken
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Welcome back dart I hope everything is going well.

A life without tb what is this.
Still at least he has found someone that makes him him happy, krulls should get this mrs.krulls to play tb with us.
Last edited by Lamby; Sep 12, 2017 at 01:26 AM.
[Parrot], [Alpha], [Parrot], [WAPOW]
[NOoT], [TL] and [TA]
Clan League 2016 2nd place holder.
Clan League 2017 1st place holder.
lmao that was fun playing with the old mrs.krulls. Elty would always play with her :^)))
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