Originally Posted by luis5178 View Post
guys!! i must go to alemania, because my grandmother is bad... so maybe i can´t play for long time D:

Hope your grandmother will be okay! I on the other hand has had a lot of work-seeking, car-repairing etc. done.

God I hate stress.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Hope your grandmother is gonna be fine and guys I will be inactive in game for a while like 4 weeks due to exams but I will be back then and I will still be forum active
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Well I just graduated from middle school I'll be a lot more active
Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
Dang I wish I was graduating from middle school which I should be... Sadly, being left back just really sucks.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
hazelbud Thanks for absolutely everything. I've recently finished a course after already being a freelancer for 2 years. And a close friend asked me to design her new tattoo, which is gonna be around the belly. I'll try to work around what you said and show you what I get.

Eltyion Y u so mean to Mr.wabbit ;_;

Pimp ♥ I'd love to hear about what you would do to the tattoo.

luis5178 I think you're Spanish from how you called "Germany". If you ever need help to communicate just leave me a PM with what you want to say and I'll try my best to translate it for you. ^^
Hope your grandma is okay~

Creo que eres español, por cómo has llamado a "Alemania" en vez de "Germany" que es la forma inglesa de decirlo. Si necesitas ayuda con el inglés para decir cualquier cosa por aquí, mándame un MP y yo te lo traduzco. ^^
Espero que tu abuela esté bien, ánimo.
Last edited by Sh00; May 29, 2015 at 02:34 AM.
shoo, thats superb !!
Post stuff u made then prettypleeeeeeease, art thread are so lonely 8[
Where in Espana you live? Its one of the county`s I been most to.. (sold flash in madrid and even painted graffiti in palma)

Btw, I do have this evening off work and even whit out gf and dog, so if I dont end up drinking at a bar, im going to be online tonight, hopefully my turn in ingame achievement will continue and I might dear to join in on some heavy warfare..
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
hazelbud Benidorm, Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana. (East coast). Been in Palma once or twice and going to Madrid next week. ^^
Shoo Ahh, offc I know the place, newer been just there though... (to much of my retarded[not actual but social speaking] countrymen there im afraid), but then again now i got a reason, possible to get tattooed on by a WAPOW clanmate!!

it totally melts an old hazeled hart !!
[just you wait, all of a sudden some art hits youall]

Btw my avatar is a 50x50cm rl graffiti detail, unedited.
Last edited by hazelbud; May 29, 2015 at 02:00 PM. Reason: a little btw;
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
sorry for inactivity :< ill be more active now since school just ended for me
I lost a first to 5 duel in ABD 5-0 vs Fred now i have to use this shitty signature for a month
I'm sorry for posting this here, but since I wanted a little explanation from the people I know I can trust I decided to start it here. Anyways I'm done with it. Anything I'd like to ask for is a muting script, is there anything like that? Its kinda annoying to have the kind of people I described on my other posts spamming 24/7 about how long is their dick.