market>ingame broadcast price: 10ktc

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Send me the 5ktc and line of text when you're ready to go. VIP gets 50% off as you should know.
Last edited by Link; Mar 1, 2015 at 01:22 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I'll probably be there. If there's anything you need help with, don't worry to tell me.

Is there a pre-set mod btw?
Modo Bestia
Don't have any strong thoughts either way about the mod - I'd probably end up going with ABD just because it's popular. Suggestions guys?
We were going to do Boxkido for our first clan tourney earlier, but I convinced Lurk that Jousting would be good enough. B)

The tourney is great so far, the only thing I think you can work on is the fenters, they shouldn't really happen unless someone pings. :o
father of philip scone
Did we fenter any people after the 2nd match? I thought we only fentered the dudes that pinged and got in that tiny little bit late.

In any case, successful tourney was successful. Gugatc got first place and 20k, Hentai was robbed, came 2nd and got 5k.

edit: the mod we used was ballgore - pretty fun, but some people figured out they could do barely nothing and wait for their opponent to die from the flying grid of instagib balls.

edit edit: Also, I won't be so active tonight. Going partying.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 1, 2015 at 04:26 AM.
Psh. Ele having a life. What kind of bad sitcom is this?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
There were 2 tourneys yesterday. The first one was won by gugatc, and second place Hentai/Liar.
The second tourney was won by phail, and second place xmarteriax.

We were planning to do yet another tourney as they were liked by the players.
Modo Bestia