Whether or not you're a new person, you still did something that is probably one of the most pathetic things you can do on Toribash.

Not only is it against the rules, it is also an incredible douchebaggery thing to do.

We also have no idea if you will end up doing it once again, so I think I speak for the clan when I say that we would rather not risk you disgracing this clans name.

Sorry, but that's what I think.
Last edited by Lorrtex; Jan 13, 2013 at 09:01 PM.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Originally Posted by Lorrtex View Post
Whether or not you're a new person, you still did something that is probably one of the most pathetic things you can do on Toribash.

Not only is it against the rules, it is also an incredible douchebaggery thing to do.

We also have no idea if you will end up doing it once again, so I think I speak for the clan when I say that we would rather not risk you disgracing this clans name.

Sorry, but that's what I think.

I agree.
I had 2 years without computer, actually 1 year and half years.
I know that you make the choice, but i have spirit and never let go.
I retract my vote as well.

I think we can conclude that it by now is an overall no.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
I take my vote back
Plagiarism is a pretty terrible, not to mention dumbass, thing to do.
Things like that could endanger our rep. It has already Messed yours up pretty badly if you cant tell.

Massive No
Last edited by zeroback; Jan 16, 2013 at 10:35 PM.
Hey.. Thanks it were a pleasure to chat with you, one mistake and its all gone...
Last edited by strikas; Jan 17, 2013 at 06:42 AM.
Originally Posted by strikas View Post
Hey.. Thanks it were a pleasure to chat with you, one maitake and its all gone...

Two now.

Also the first one is a big fat one.
I'm Shockwarrior, and I would like to join enigma.

I'm a black belt in toribash, and currently I favor aikidobigdojo over most other mods, as my style mainly focuses on grappling and saving. I tend to stay away from ninjustu and such, as there tends to be a lack of challenging players there. My rank is currently 59221, and I'm planning for it to spiral down as I win more matches. I would like to join this clan because the name intrigued me, as I do enjoy enigmas and conundrums and quagmires myself. I can provide to this clan loyalty and respect, and whatever skills I may acquire, as I am currently training in sumopaint on texture making, and I can produce a great graphic with another software.
I am on everyday, in both forum and in-game activity, so no measures need to be taken to ensure my activity in this clan.
I love drawing and adventuring, though the irony of it is that I live quite the 'indoor' lifestlye. I am top of my class in school, and I am quite the intelligent person, so there is no need to worry about my maturity or ability to understand something basic. I mysef love the idea of a group environment, so I applied for enigma. Thank you for your consideration. {By the way, my only past clan was province, which died sadly, and my GMT is -5 }
Last edited by Shockwarrior; Feb 3, 2013 at 08:12 PM.
Originally Posted by Shockwarrior View Post
I'm Shockwarrior, and I would like to join enigma.

I'm a black belt in toribash, and currently I favor aikidobigdojo over most other mods, as my style mainly focuses on grappling and saving. I tend to stay away from ninjustu and such, as there tends to be a lack of challenging players there. My rank is currently 59221, and I'm planning for it to spiral down as I win more matches. I would like to join this clan because the name intrigued me, as I do enjoy enigmas and conundrums and quagmires myself. I can provide to this clan loyalty and respect, and whatever skills I may acquire, as I am currently training in sumopaint on texture making, and I can produce a great graphic with another software.
I am on everyday, in both forum and in-game activity, so no measures need to be taken to ensure my activity in this clan.
I love drawing and adventuring, though the irony of it is that I live quite the 'indoor' lifestlye. I am top of my class in school, and I am quite the intelligent person, so there is no need to worry about my maturity or ability to understand something basic. I mysef love the idea of a group environment, so I applied for enigma. Thank you for your consideration. {By the way, my only past clan was province, which died sadly. }

You seem to be a really cool guy
