Endurance Onslaught 6.0
aaaaaa yay!

Just started to play this again, im horribly bad at this but i enjoying it like hell.
I get these nostagia vibes when i play this.
Love it, a bullethell, hard as fuck but you just keep playing it because... all the reasons.

Keep working on this!
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Absolutely love this game.
The barrel-roll idea is very nice, could use that in quite a few situations.
Peronal record so far on EPIC MAN MODE >:C is level 3 xd

Edit: Also got a few ideas
Don't know if it has been suggested
Taking the idea of the beam-spaceship
Making a version where it had, say, fired a continuous beam that could rotate and aim at your spaceship or rotate in a 360 degree angle.
I know the second boss already does that on a large scale, but it would be cool on a small-weaker-scale version
Second idea would be spaceships that fade in and out or turn invisible for a second or so, not sure what they're armament would be, but they could possibly be just suiciders that cause confusion.
Last edited by torismaser; Jun 16, 2012 at 07:53 AM.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Meh, downloaded this game about 20 minutes ago.
Well, seems good, but too hard, don't you think?
I'm stuck on the 9th lever because of that green turret wall, can't even get through it with a shield.
Not only that my health is basicly depleted, after that wall comes another wave of battleships.

Originally Posted by Torismaser
making a version where it had, say, fireda continuous beam that could rotate and aim at your spaceship or rotate in a 360 degree angle.

Now, imagine that in a fast rate like in level 5.
I barely made it through, and I imagine how hard would it be if your idea came to life.

Originally Posted by Torismaser
spaceships that fade in and out or turn invisible for a second or so

I guess this game is easy for you eh?
Well, it would make the game harder, lot harder.
Again, about the 9th level, there are alot of those battleships that can stear left and right, making them invisible would make it much harder if there was an attack that continued for, let's say, 10 secs, which is probably gonna happen due to the "further you go, the harder it gets' policy.
A'ight, will do, thanks. c:

@Maylene: I see what you're on about, though it's supposed to be hard. I like a good challenge myself; not one that destroys you without any progress on your side (which might be the problem you're facing), but one that does take more than two brain cells to get through. Easy games are good for some people, though i'm not one of them. When i fight a boss, i want to feel like it's ME defeating it, not the game doing it for me. The bosses here are a reflection of that; you do need good stats to beat them, but player skills also contribute quite significantly to the defeating of them. Likewise with the levels, though not quite as much, since a lack of firepower will result in less cash. (so there's a tip, go more for offense than defense)

It's a really delicate balance; the difficulty needs to increase as the game progresses, but at the same time, the players ability to cope with this difficulty also increases rapidly. Making the player not feel overpowered or stagnant is critical, because a lack of progress/challenge is a quick way to boredom. Thus, the very steep difficulty curve. Some games have the players reach ridiculous levels of power near the end, where they can absolutely dominate every opposition ever. I want to avoid that (for the most part), because while it is fun to be god tier for a while, it quickly loses its novelty. Therefore, the very final boss will be a significant challenge, even with full upgrades.

HOWEVER, i agree with that green wall on level 9 being hard. It IS a complete bitch sometimes, because it can be really hard to wipe quickly enough to avoid major damage (i fell to that myself while playing on Nightmare). I'll have to tune it down a bit, though with that said, if you can't handle that wall, there's no way in hell you'll ever beat the second boss at the moment. :U (or the finale of level 9, which is worse than the wall but easier than the boss)
It was an uninspired addition, i admit, because thinking up novel encounters is getting progressively hard. It's unlikely to be the last of such, but that's why i keep making all these alpha versions for you to test. c:

As a final note, do remember that there is an Easy difficulty. It should make surviving much easier, since you take 40% less damage from everything. I included it specifically because some people might be overwhelmed by the baseline challenge set by Normal, in a feeble attempt to broaden the audience. The only disadvantage to Easy is a lower score, which only affects bragging rights. Cash and XP both remain constant through all difficulties.

@torismaser: Well that's farther than me, i only bothered to complete the first level. :U
As for the suggestions, i was actually thinking of including beam turrets in the later levels, though as Maylene mentioned, they could potentially fuck your world all the way through the nine circles of hell and back. It'd definitely need some kind of inaccuracy, because else it's just a countdown timer to your death. Green beams aren't so bad, your shields can take them. Yellow beams... Not so much. What there will be, however, is turrets firing the big fat lasers. Slowly, of course, since those lasers are insanely powerful. Probably only in the levels 15-20.
Also, invisible yellow wedges? That's just too cruel. I want to challenge the player, not destroy him/her (too many times, anyways). :U (and besides, there will be plenty of annoying meatshields post level 10)

@JellyNinja: Thanks man! I will, don't worry (if you'd ever do that). It might be slow, but as Confucius says, it matters not how slowly you go as long as you never stop. (or something, sounds nice for a lazy ass like me regardless)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Prepare for the hardest boss..... in the next version...

Why would you do this to me ?

Anyway, this is pretty good balanced, i found it ... pretty easy when i put more points on my defence rather then speed and dmg.

Majority of the bullethells you play today rely on speed, and nothing else really, as long you manage to avoid shit you could win.

What is so fun with this is that you actually have to think about what the fuck you are supposed to do the next level, i bit my thumb after every level because i didnt want to put my points in the wrong skill, i mashed defence in the end, the AWSD keys is noth the best precision controls so i actually felt abit forced to do it.

Would mouse movements be possible in this?
Ofcourse you wouldnt be able to avoid everything anyway.
But i managed to collide with some space ships every now and again when i destroyed a little hole in a spaceship wall or turret wall, wich i probably wouldnt have done if i had more control over my movements.

Although i enjoy it, had a blast.
If this would be a long long game with shitloads of lvls and upgrades i would be the happiest person alive.

Even a scoreboard?
Yeah, just some ideas.

My hat of to you.
Last edited by Dagger; Jun 18, 2012 at 06:31 PM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I experience a glitch where, after playing a match multiple time,( Level 3 On EPIC MAN MODE >:C) once i finished it i had 42 skill points, basicly meaning i could level up my damage resistance to 100% and not take any damage to the end of the game, this could possibly be because i level'd up each time before i died and once i actually finished the level it registered all the times i leveled up into my skill points.

EDIT: Second thing i just realised is that medals don't register in EPIC MAN MODE >:C.
What you could possibly do is add a plantinum medal for those who do an achievement in EPIC MAN MODE >:C

EDIT No.2: Found another glitch, possible in every game difficulty or level, which enables you to have infinite money.
Once a level is complete, buy something and instead of proceeding to the next level, exit to the menu and re-load the save, tadaa you now have infinite money and you can buy everything right before level 2.

EDIT No.3: Got another idea that would be nice
Level'd weapon progression
What this means is have a sort of a weapon tree for both the turret and the front guns.
For instance start with a base of 3 choices like a Damage upgread, a RoF upgread or a misc upgread(fire a spread of 2 shots, a shot has a 25% chance to pass through an enemy ship, shot has a 25% chance to ricochet of an enemy etc)
And as you progress through your ship level or the game level you unlock a wide variety of new upgreads that you can choose(Or buy)
Last edited by torismaser; Jun 19, 2012 at 02:07 AM.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Hey shook, I beat the game on Easy, Normal, Hard, and Nightmare mode
I survived 2 round on EPIC MAN MODE >:C

Can't wait till the new one !
How about creating more ship and gun ?


Last edited by box; Jun 26, 2012 at 10:54 PM. Reason: did not bold or purplize
Please bring back Organiζations board
Haha, 2 levels on EPIC MAN MODE >:C? Nice, that's better than what i did. :U
As for guns and ships, might design some more player ships in the future, though it doesn't have high priority. Guns? Well, your gun will change characteristics more than once, and when i get around to it, so will your super shots.

@torismaser: Oh, that's an interesting pair of bugs. Gotta fix those ASAP, game breakers are boring. :c
Also, that upgrade tree you're talking about? That's a ridiculously cool idea. When i read it, i literally stared out into the void for 3 minutes thinking about the possibilities. It's basically an awesome version of the current dull skill system. Definitely going to try putting it in.

Edit: also hey look

GUI overhaul in the works. Figured i'd make it look more like the players ship so there is some semblance of coherence.

Edit: Also JellyNinja, yeah mouse movement would be possible, but it'd make the turret impossible to control properly. What i'm thinking, however, is to make the ship take a short while to accelerate to full speed, which would make it easier to make slight adjustments to your position. Stopping should probably be instant, though. Scoreboard? Perhaps, not of high priority.
Thanks for playing and liking! c:
Last edited by Shook; Jun 28, 2012 at 07:23 PM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
The GUI overhaul looks pretty good, except for the Main menu part, the parts that hold up the plate(3 on both side) look rather weird
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum