I don't know anything about jetsetradio or anything, and I just found random crap when I googled it. Maybe if you showed me some pictures or something?
Holy Crap you must have had a dull childhood without this Funky Fresh Style and Hapnin Tunes, man your literally better off being dead... hmmmm I dunno, I'll see if I can dig some stuff up but otherwise if you don't know it then you cannot duel my duel lol.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
JSR was awesome.

I actually had it on the Xbox as well \O.0/

Yeah I had jetsetradiofuture too, it was good but I felt the awesome colours all went abit green ?_? with the future style. Music was still sweet ^_^ Pots the dog was even more insane to unlock... >.<

What is your country Ezeth? assuming from your av etc you had atleast playstation access...

sega actually announced recently they'l be sticking aload of DC games on PSN and JSR was the most awesome DCG in existence so... yay! altho I thought sega was now nintendo's bitch...
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Hey DarkJak, I don't have anything to make and I really don't think I'll win but I'm up for it. What game?(Probably a silly question.)
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