Come back after you've won 50 games in a normal mode where it's equal and fair.
Judo, wushu, aikido, classic, kickbox, joust, swords, taek, anything in the official servers.
Take a screenshot of your 50 streak. Really. Do that first, then come back and tell me you can win 800 in a day.

Also, theres a thing called statistics. Obvious outliers are obvious.
shin is it not allowed and automaticly farmign to win 800games in 24 hours?

well it is not the nice way to win tc in an unbalanced mod
but it is not forbidden,isn't it?
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
This conversation has been finished with proof you can't win against, WINNING ~800 fights takes 2-3 days not one so it was obvious a farm, especially when he was boosted, look at that screenshot and judge when he was farming.
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
from what i know farming is when u are in 2 rooms at the same time right?
sure lolnade is a shitty mod,but i want to see a proof of ACTUAL farming
so if i play lolnade 10 hours the day,im actually farming?
you should write that somewhere so that anyone would know from now on :/
Lol fnugget... Its a fail of the admins if they allow a mod like that and not mine...

Btw 50 streak in aikido? easy....i can to that in quick aikido tomorrow if you want...

well i surely wont get a 50 streak in judo... but im sure i can win 1100 games of that in 20 problem....well maybe not in the official one....the queue is too long there thought...but on a own one that is open for everyone ...easyli
800 a day? fail..other time zone ....days are overlapping in system 550 ? orite...

Edit: lol 1100 games in 2 days in jousting? thats more easy then using a waterslide lol
Last edited by Wh1sper; Oct 26, 2009 at 05:05 PM.
for the Twilight!