Eh that sucks. We're much less spammy and professional than other clans that I've observed. We'll get em next time eh boys?
| The [The] Clan | Princeton University | PA Class of '12 | ಠ_ಠ |
Shmevin, I wish I saw you more ingame. :s

Alright, so I talked to someone in IRC.
Read it yourself.

Why we were rejected.

So you know what that means.
If you're inactive, you're not going to be part of the clan. Not only are you not helping, but you're causing a problem. I've tried to be nice and give warnings and notices and I've even PMed people politely asking them to post more.

Oh, and in-game activity matters, too. So get your pathetic asses in-game.

We need another 20k before reapplying, and that's 20k that I don't have. However, if we don't improve, that 20k doesn't matter. I refuse to reapply if I don't see improvements.

I'm disappointed. Work with me, guys. I don't want to be a Hitler of a leader, so please don't put me in a position where I have to be one.

Brains10, Lopsin, Sirss, you're all on the verge of being kicked. Brains, I love you, but I refuse to let your inactivity fuck up my clan. Lopsin, you're better than Brains, but only slightly. Sirss, you've posted maybe once? But I know you've been online. I don't know if you guys realize that if I go to your profile, I can see when you were last online and when you last played a match. You guys aren't inactive, you're just lazy. Sorry, laziness doesn't belong in my clan. The three of you have one week to prove activity. I don't care how, but do it.

You have to work with me, guys. I'm trying, alright? I'm trying hard as fucking shit, but I don't feel much effort from a lot of you.

This might help: Scroll up, click thread tools. Go down and click "subscribe." Whenever you come online, click the User CP link at the top left of the page (right now, it's above "Post Reply." This thread will be there whenever there are new posts. If there's a new post, post a reply. I'm not asking you to spam, I'm asking you to be an active part of this clan. It's not that hard.

Just.. Please.
Last edited by Alaistier; Jun 2, 2012 at 05:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well , that was interesting..

But i don't think they have seen me because i'm just in the clan for a short time now,
but i'm ingame very often.

And you're a really good leader alaister, i will never doubt that.
Yeah, and we'll keep this clan running. I think we just need to show a little bit more commitment to the clan council members. Also, I just tried to join your server, but it said I can't make a new room :/ Dunno whats up, but the toribash servers haven't been doing well lately.
| The [The] Clan | Princeton University | PA Class of '12 | ಠ_ಠ |
I have a few tips that will improve our chances.

But it'll require being ingame a lot more and being a bit more participative on the forums and ingame.

Hence, to stop being lazy and do something. Indeed, we're a nice bunch of people but the clan as a whole is just a bunch of guys in a clan, not really doing anything (like many other clans). I can handle getting TC by making sets and such, as well as selling items.

What are you guys gunna do to improve our chances for next time?
the goblin
Funny thing. I've been in-game only a few times this month. And I was noticed.
Also, I'm with Alaistier in this one. Last chance for all of you inactive faggots. And this time I will be certain that I kick you out, because I have nothing personal with anyone.
Also, I'll donate what ever I have to you AL.