View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
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My Name Change
So yeah, i'm changing my name with my bro's TC then I'll buy more for him. I need something epic, and with XP in the ending. Any suggestions from my friendly allies?
Belt and qi: Black belt. IDK!

GMT: -6:00

Your Strongest Mod: Classic.

Self Description: I'm a big gay panda, about 8" 5. Weight:OVAR 9000!!!

Past Clans: PIRATES, YA ASS.

Are you active on forums?
(about 3 posts a week will do just so we know you are active): Everyday again.

If Possible post a screenshot of your Toribash guy: ()-I--<

And 3 of your best MP replays:ERROR! File too awesome. SYSTEM_overload
Items under 1000TC in my shop have lowered prices!
Would someone pay me to change my name too, "Big_Gay_Panda", or just "BigGayPanda"?
Or maybe Big Gay Panda.

Can you put spaces in your name?
Items under 1000TC in my shop have lowered prices!