Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hey flXy. :3

ShiftV3, go in and ask Bust3r. He explained it, but I was only half paying attention so I don't know.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Name (Real Life):
Johnny Reedford.

Im just a green belt but i had an account that was a 2nd dan in 2008. Unfortunately i do not remember the name.... And this belt and the join date on this account do not really match up, i understand that, it is because i quit for a few months but i am getting back into it.

Join Date:
Around February 2008. As i said it was a different account (2nd dan) that i dont remember the name of.

America, East Coast, -5.

Activity [Weekdays&Weekends]:
Im usually active more on the weekdays than on the weekends because i actually have a life and i do much more on the weekends than on the weekdays. But im usually on for about 3 hrs a day. It may fluctuate.

What you will bring to the clan:
I hope to bring a friendly vibe to this clan and bring happiness and join to everyone. I think im pretty funny but i can be serious if i need to be. I just like to have fun and i want to share it with you guys.


Referalls (if any):
None, I dont really know anyone yet.

Why you want to Join:
I think it would be a ton of fun to be in this clan and as i have said before i think that i can bring a good vibe to you guys. I do realize that i have a low post count but i used to have more but i think that they got deleted when the moderators were cleaning up around the forums. Also on my previous account i had around 600 posts.

Previous Clans:
I havent joined any clans previous to this one because i didnt feel like it was necessary. But now i will be getting more into the forums so i feel like it could be fun to get to know some people. I want to make a good impression and not end up like some of these hated people around here. That is why i chose this clan.

Infraction Points/Bans (if any):
I have no infraction points.... But about a year ago i was sent 1kk tc and i didnt give it back. It was part of the duel glitch thing so i dont know if that counts.

I think that i am pretty good ingame and i can make art. I know im not the best at art but i like to edit animations and sometimes even create animations. Eventually i plan on starting to get into texturing but i dont know if i will.

Usual TC Amount:
I usually dont have any. I dont really need TC at the moment because i dont have the QI to afford any of the things i need. So i just give some away to people on occasion.

Thanks for considering me to be a part of this fantastic clan!

well. post counts and all that shit is overrated so it dosn`t mather.
but im not sure if its a yes or a no for me... good app and all
come join #doc on irc
Basically all the bots, and servs are operated on veb's IRC account. If he gets DC'd for some reason, everything dies. When he gets back online it works again.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
I think everyone who isn't in this clan, who posted here, should join.
Wait, what
lol'd uric.

thanks bro, btw, you also got aids, since we had hot passionate sex all night..
...have fun with that.
Wait, what