Wow, sounds like a cool evening...
Did you really asked them how old they were?

Anyways, I think I'm gonna watch it then. Not because of "There are dicks and pussy all over that fucking movie, as well as blood." but for the funny parts.
Yeah. I was even polite and all shit (I'm a very social guy, derp) but they were just rude. Atleast they told me they're 10. I mean why not? I wanted to know HOW fucked up they are.

Yeah, go for it. T'its a nice movie.
I got a new idea for my signature but I'm not sure if it actually works.
So if someone would be that nice to click the link.
It works for me, but since the link is kinda strange I have doubts.
Haha, it didn't work.

An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out.

The Click Here was this link:

I guess it is an individual link per person.

omg how u get 3 lines in ur signature?R??!

lol@nobud's story. Kids can be dicks.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Saw it. Was good... my type of film. (But go there with some bros, chicks ain't digging it. Not implying that I went there with a girl though. Met one at McDonalds though. :3)

Really was funny. But what I just couldn't comprehend was; WHY THE FUCK DO PARENTS LET THEIR 10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN INTO THIS KIND OF MOVIE? Sons of bitches were sitting right next to us. Asked them how old they were. I mean come on. There are dicks and pussy all over that fucking movie, as well as blood. I mean I'm far away from being responsible (playing FPS', hurrdurr) but seriously? That is just way off and I think these kids will end up mugging people later on in their lifes. Fucking assholes.

You should visit Poland. 7 year old child smoking and shouting "fuck police" all of the time is pretty normal. I even met 5 year old kid acting like that and his daddy next to him with "fuck polce" t-shirt. The problem starts when 7 year old girl gets to hospital with 3,0‰ of alcohol in her blood. I focusued on those "young' because I know 10 year old kid which snuffed cocaine and smoked weed, and It's not a lie. So you know kid watching hangover is nothing. I remeber when I was like 10 and my parents let me watch scary movie.
Last edited by shadowelf; Jun 20, 2011 at 09:34 AM.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
chicks ain't digging it.

I went there with some girls actually. They found the movie better than I did.

You should go to the cinema like at night... no kids there, haha.
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
I went there with some girls actually. They found the movie better than I did.

You should go to the cinema like at night... no kids there, haha.

Prime time. ;o

@Shadowelf; Poland cannot into society. Shit's crazy though. :o
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Haha, it didn't work.

The Click Here was this link:

I guess it is an individual link per person.

omg how u get 3 lines in ur signature?R??!

lol@nobud's story. Kids can be dicks.

Now it doesn't work for me either, I guess I have to try some different things then.
Also, align codes do the trick ;)
Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post
You should visit Poland. 7 year old child smoking and shouting "fuck police" all of the time is pretty normal. I even met 5 year old kid acting like that and his daddy next to him with "fuck polce" t-shirt. The problem starts when 7 year old girl gets to hospital with 3,0‰ of alcohol in her blood. I focusued on those "young' because I know 10 year old kid which snuffed cocaine and smoked weed, and It's not a lie. So you know kid watching hangover is nothing. I remeber when I was like 10 and my parents let me watch scary movie.

You guys are crazy.
Flxy learns to play "welcome home" on the guitar..

If you finished your lessons, come to our beautiful Island 'Rügen' to join us on a campfire ;))