Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Fire View Post
Hello parrots, I have always wanted to apply for [Parrot], but I never thought I was ready or good enough. But now I know many parrot members, and I am pretty friendly with some of them, I actually think I got my chances to get your attention and get approved. I tried once back in the years as I remember and got denied, so here I am now, after being clanless for a good while, going to repeat what I have done before by applying to you and hopefully this time go a lot better than the last one.

My real name is Emile, and as you can see, my toribash name is Fire. Before getting the name change to Fire, I was named Emile001, you may actually not know me with that name. I am also known in my alts names, that people still call me with, one the them is Animati0n (pretty old) and the other is named UnknownTB (pretty new). I am 15 years old boy born in Lebanon (Asia) and I got graduated to grade 10 (school starts in 27 September). In school I do not have pretty much close friends and I will actually feel lonely this year in school since all the bunch of friends I used to stay with while the rest time are all leaving this school, and making friends for a guy like me isn’t that easy. Some people just avoid me because I am kind of fat, others because they have their own best friends who they stay with and forgets about everybody else.

My best friend named woody told me about this game (named Miracle in toribash). We used to play a lot of funny mods as well as parkours. I was a big parkour fan and used to watch a lot of mocucha’s videos to learn how to run/grab and started progressing pretty well. I stopped parkouring after reaching 2nd dan black belt I think, and started focusing on aikido based mods (especially ABD). This is when I started getting some Tc, started dueling, become a better player. Back at that time 2012-2013 I used to be a huge clan hopper and I actually didn’t know much about forum. Used to join/leave every clan I see until I became more open-minded and stopped these kind of things. Since few months I started playing striking mods such as lenshu and RK, and I became pretty decent at them. The mod I hate the mose and I can’t play at all in TK, I just hate it (sry moop). I know these all may seem irrelevant ideas but I felt like I had to say them and talk about them.

Like every other toribash player, I absolutely have infractions, bans. But like some of these players, I have learned from my mistakes and not willing to make them again. I am clean now, all my infraction points expired like if they never happened before, I hope this won’t be an inconvenient for me joining this clan.

The question remains: why have I chosen this clan?
As I said in the beginning, I already wanted to join parrot since few years, first of all, this is one of the best clans of toribash, and I would be honored to be in it. Besides, I got many friends in it, who actually told me to post an application to join and I am really looking to have new friends, since as I know, parrot members are really close to each other, and like rainboweye told me, you guys are a family and I am looking to be apart of it.

I am sure you are all asking yourself: why didn’t he use Parrot’s guide on joining? I will be explaining why in the following:

Method #1: suck Moop’s dick.

Can’t afford the travel to the UK send me money and we’ll meet Moop.

Method #2: Make Eggs.

I would and I got no problem using the spatula you want me to, the only problem is that u said at the end: "Post a picture of your eggs, but do not include your penis, leave that for the media” and I am sorry I can’t. First of all, when I make something special, I don’t want to hide anything and also, even if I wanted to I can’t. Why? Because it’s too big to hide I am sorry.

Method #3: Dance.

As I said before, I am fat and we all know that 99% of fat people can’t dance, and too bad I am not between the other 1% that actually can. I feel bad to not show you my sexy body dancing because I can’t dance so I found a boy who is apart of the 1%, I hope you enjoy him!

How fat boys dancers dance!

Method #4: Hacking yourself into the clan.

I am a professional hacker and I once hacked the government but I tried and tried all over again to hack myself into parrot and I couldn’t. Its high security level is really hard to break and I have failed after years and years of work. All that time spent trying to do this hack didn’t lead me anywhere so I just gave up.

Method #5: Steal Money

Trust me or not, I actually did. But after each steal from diamond some money in duels he just steal it back then bank me later, he is just over my power and I can’t, I just can’t so I gave up on this method and tried the next one which is…

Method #6: Have a unique talent.

You said: "when we say unique, we meant it. When we say talent, we have lots of it."
Since you have a lot of unique talents, I am not going to blow you up with my talent that I am not doing to mention. I would have done it only if I had money and it going to Method #1, not going to say more about that amazing talent.

Method #7: Toribash is your life.

You said: "In order to achieve this, you must do nothing but toribash. Do not eat, sleep, drink, or repeat.
Stop dating that girl of your dreams. Cancel every summer vacation you had planned, because we're talking about quality replay makers"

I am not a replay maker but this is not actually the problem because I could work on it. The actual problems are the ones in bold, the others are done years ago. You get what i mean, don't you?

Method #8: Be a staff member.

Method #9: Make quality posts.

There is only 1 Fallu in toribash so this method can't be used by anyone.
R.I.P Method #9

Method #10: Be T0ri0Baby

Method #11: Be of primary importance


Well, I think that's it. Thanks for spending time reading this, I appreciate it.
Would be greatfull to be accepted, sorry if it contains bad english, it's not my first language.
Cya around!


damn i remember that

I got declined, it hurts.
Lol I forgot about that. Pretty sure you applied the day after you got staff because you thought we were a staff clan. That's what I thought at the time anyway!
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
same, is it in the private board? somebody PM me the pass for it?
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?