Originally Posted by SquareBox View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Hai!
Age?: I'm 15 years old
Where do you live?: I live in sweden
What belt are you?: Yellow belt
What do you want to improve?: Judo, Aikido and taekkyon
Favorite mods: I like the Judo mode very much
Why do you want to join?: Well, I want to have a clan that is open for everybody and I want really bad to get teached and be better in this game because I really enjoy it, so I thought that if I join this clan, I have the opportunity to become better

daddy kill the spider
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Hai
Age (optional): 12
Where do you live? (optional): Brazil
What belt are you?: White
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido!
Favorite mods: Aikido...
Why do you want to join?: Cuz I really need help
Originally Posted by ShadeBlack View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Hai
Age (optional): 12
Where do you live? (optional): Brazil
What belt are you?: White
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido!
Favorite mods: Aikido...
Why do you want to join?: Cuz I really need help

Lame reason, but you're accepted.
daddy kill the spider
Did you read the red messages above this application?: hai
Age: 14
Where do you live? United States
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Akido, Judo, Twin Swords
Favorite Mods: Akido( When Playing online), Classic against uke( i use the opener script to train against uke)
Why do you want to join?: I want to further improve my variety of moves that i can use online and I would like to share some of my moves with people.
Originally Posted by KoolKJ980 View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: hai
Age: 14
Where do you live? United States
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Akido, Judo, Twin Swords
Favorite Mods: Akido( When Playing online), Classic against uke( i use the opener script to train against uke)
Why do you want to join?: I want to further improve my variety of moves that i can use online and I would like to share some of my moves with people.

Not so lame reason. Accepted.
daddy kill the spider
Where do you live?(optional):Usa
What belt are you?:white
Where do you want to improve?:Everything
Favorite mods:N/A
Why do you want to join?: because I'm terrible at the game and wish to learn more
Have you read the rules?:Yes(or Hia as told in the Red message)
Last edited by SnowNinja; Feb 1, 2012 at 12:44 AM. Reason: spelling error
where i live?:Rondonia Brazil.
What belt are you?:green.
Where do you want to improve?:JUDO, TwinSwords,Wushu,Capoera.
Favorite mods:Capoera
Why do you want to join?:I wanna to be respected for someone that humiliates me and oters i wanna justice and i wanna so much a teacher and so i wanna TC
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Haii all yes i did
Age (optional): 16
Where do you live?: New zealand
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: judo
Favorite mods:akidio
Why do you want to join?:I really enjoy this game i can play but i just need help getting better Thank you for you're time (: