Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post
Liar. 6 being max etcetc. But unavalible in normal subjects like physics. (if you are fucking genius and you won something you can get 6)

you can't

there's a descendant of Einstein in our class and he's got 5.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos

''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Originally Posted by AHD View Post


Originally Posted by flXy View Post
Nothing new?
Also kino.to always seemed like an unprofessional shithole to me... I have other sites for that.

Do they have as many movies/series as kino.to? I really need a new site for summer holidays...
Would be cool if you could send me a link in a PM :D
:/ muss ich doch 2 minuten investieren um bei google was zu suchen.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Ich versteh auch nicht warum die sich beschweren, dass so viele sich die Filme im Internet anschauen, wenn das was sie anbieten nunmal eine Entäuschung nach der anderen ist!

Ofcourse people search for ways to get what they want without paying. You do buy a brand new game with the hope that it's worth it and here in Germany you pay up to 70€ (that would be 99.61 $).
Crazy as it is you have to handle the disapointment if it was NOT worth it!

I know for myself that I allways will test the games

And you do have the same problem with allmost all media.. I was 1 out of 9 times not disappointed and I allways payed 8€ (we left the cinema after 30mins when we wanted to watch the twighlight-parody..)
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
you can't

there's a descendant of Einstein in our class and he's got 5.

Gotta be shitting me.

Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Ich versteh auch nicht warum die sich beschweren, dass so viele sich die Filme im Internet anschauen, wenn das was sie anbieten nunmal eine Entäuschung nach der anderen ist!

Ofcourse people search for ways to get what they want without paying. You do buy a brand new game with the hope that it's worth it and here in Germany you pay up to 70€ (that would be 99.61 $).
Crazy as it is you have to handle the disapointment if it was NOT worth it!

I know for myself that I allways will test the games

And you do have the same problem with allmost all media.. I was 1 out of 9 times not disappointed and I allways payed 8€ (we left the cinema after 30mins when we wanted to watch the twighlight-parody..)

So much truth in here. Excuse me for gerfaggotrying around.

Ich find es war ja wirklich absehbar, aber es wird sowieso bald eine neue Plattform aufmachen und dann wird man dort die scheiße gucken können.
Wär nett wenn du mir auch den Link schicken könntest, Flxy. ;)

Ist ja sowieso alles nur noch Geldmacherei.
Außer Daniela Katzenberger. Die ist wundervoll. (epischer Sarkasmus, wer ihn nicht versteht hat nun das Recht sich auf der Stelle umzubringen)
To jest prawdziwe

Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Ich find es war ja wirklich absehbar, aber es wird sowieso bald eine neue Plattform aufmachen und dann wird man dort die scheiße gucken können.
Wär nett wenn du mir auch den Link schicken könntest, Flxy. ;)

Die sollen mal wieder realistisch werden mit ihren Preisen, dann werde ich auch gerne wieder zur Konsum-Hure..
Momentan drehen alle im Medienkonsum-Bereichen total frei mit den Preisen..

It is also a pain in the arse that youtube blocks every second video in our country (germany). I don't get it. If I want to listin to my song, I can simply search them in google with (...mp3 download) and you'll find like x sides to download and prelistin.. it is so fuckin unneccessary.. seriously

why block a cool video because of the music in the background? .. THAT IS SO STUPID