Who are you: (one paragraph or more):My name is JC. I am a 13 year old 3rd dan whos been playing for more than about 7 months. I have 1 little sister, I live in jacksonville FL USA, and I am an esaygoing person who dislikes trollers and spammers
why should i care: (a sentence):I'm a skilled wushu and judo player who is really active.
Favorite mods:Wushu_pro, and judo
Accounts: (list your alts, any of them been banned mention it):tofast4u2(he is my backup incase i get hacked)
Hobbys: (describe them don't list them):I rollerblade because I love itand it's fun
why you and not someone else: (2 sentences minimum):I'm known throughout tb well (but not by everyone).I'm a good judge of person
references: (not people you beat, people who can vouch for you as a good person):thehawk, wolfice, vipertech,sushiman4,
other: (replays, whatever go here): I had to make a new file for tb so most of my rpls are gone but I'll post what i have
Attached Files
AIj.rpl (30.0 KB, 6 views)
can you belive it.rpl (41.5 KB, 6 views)
spining.rpl (62.9 KB, 6 views)
armrest.rpl (32.5 KB, 6 views)
Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
"can you belive it" didnt work. ive played with jcmert a bunch of times, seems like a pretty decent guy. stick around, show us you are active. and join IRC.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
That was a reasonable application.
Like PV2 said, keep active on our forums, try and keep posts over 3 words if you can, and join the #TLL IRC (can be found at the bottom of our 'General Info' thread.
haha the one at 1:21 and the one at 1: 31 are good, especially the one at 1: 33....epic.
hahaa but that song is soooooooooo over used
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Not bad, not bad jcmert, nice one in activity, but your gameplay don't seems very good, but pls post more some ramdom wushu rpls, and go to IRC like Fear and Pv2 said and we should play(wushu), i guess i'm the one who play wuhu in the clan actually, but judo bro :/ u said judo as favorite and one of the better mods but didn't post rpls about this, post rpls about it too, also not bad on aikido, who don't have aikido as favorite or better mode seeing your rpl i can see u have talent. Post one SP madman, decap or some part rip pls.
; D like i said dev, but u should check all TLL threads all days not just once a week, cuz of this i said u don't know what happening on the clan, also cuz of this u was recruit yet.