View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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lol... You guys are making fun hun? Bastartds ¬¬ Already PM'd Delaid. Just waiting his answer so I can apply us. What should be the description?

I ment, too simple in context. Look:

What rank do you want?: Leader
Why do you want this rank?: Because I'll rule the clan
What makes you feel that you're qualifed for this rank?: Because I'm not a sausage hurdur...
Anything else?: Yep. Now I'm a sausage.

You mean the board description?

Non-Piratez member, a bottle of rum $1200 each.

And for those who are inactive, dont give them the pass yet.
Dont forget to change it also when someone leaving.
Originally Posted by darkshadow8 View Post
Lol, why am I still not in the allies list? :3

Sorry, but have you post the application here?
Being honest is good. At least you did your best.

Sure Kryo, but im tired of posting my rpls for the 6th time.
Except if you really cant find it anywhere on the merged thread then i'll post mine.

Post your replay of your tori doing something stupid like in jackass, score doesnt matter, just do something stupid!

-1000 matchframes maximum
-any mods is acceptable (Except wtf and wtfmp)
-no DQ
-you can move Uke
-singleplayer rpl only
-MUST be hillarious (!)

The score is based on two things:
-How funny the replay
-Stunts (All kinds of action you did in the rpl wil determine this)

Tea, i want to become a judge! \o