Yesterday I finally bought Dark Souls 3.
Started installing it, it took forever thanks to my internet connection.
Lauched the game, staight up loved the main title theme.
Literally walked three feet away from where I spawned and got kicked out to the main menu.
Why ? Because I didn't have enought fps to run the game online thanks to my shitty low spec laptop.
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Originally Posted by TiMEWoRKER View Post
Ummm Cl? (C) vs (Wapow)

Yup we noticed, just making sure we all know about it don't worry, we will be all set asap.
Originally Posted by TiMEWoRKER View Post
Ok but i think c is ready to do it on tuesday

Hopefully that will be enough time to get my computer fixed if not, guess I wont be fighting.