see that is why i need tcs to buy stuff and im selling a grip sound on the market if you want to buy
I suck at this game in case you were wondering
Hello people.

So i got a 1 week holiday because easter \o/
lol what the hell they even have grip sounds now? =.=

Anyway good to see you people ingame :3
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Arturs has a stalker.

I have about 1 million stalkers.
But they are good looking so I call them secret admirers.

Originally Posted by koalaking View Post
you didnt know kameron...... toribash has an economy ive got a beautiful house wife and dog that i bought with tc (yup bought a wife)

Cool story, in Toribash there are souls traded for TC.
Ask Pabblo or how he's called.

For your records...

You've sent 500 toricredits to ryanw99
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
Hi guys, soo our friend sage told me that Chinese girls are ugly.

I actually kinda agree
Not to be offensive, but I'm kinda racist to chinese
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
Also, just got this message.
Props to ZeTo for noticing me, actually xd


No Arthur, He really did
You must protect your mother

Oh yeah, hi
I didn't open my laptop for the two days
I'm kinda tired of exam stuff
Who the hell invent school exam ?
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
I actually kinda agree
Not to be offensive, but I'm kinda racist to chinese

OMG why do full blooded indos hate on the chinese?
we dont hate you :c atleast i dont <3 You guys shouldn't
discriminate a race of being ugly,a specific person who is of that race might be ugly, but not all.People are not ugly for what race they are.
Indians,Chinese,Swedish,American, It doesnt matter, race
shouldn't affect ones beauty.
nuff said.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
OMG why do full blooded indos hate on the chinese?
we dont hate you :c atleast i dont <3 You guys shouldn't
discriminate a race of being ugly,a specific person who is of that race might be ugly, but not all.People are not ugly for what race they are.
Indians,Chinese,Swedish,American, It doesnt matter, race
shouldn't affect ones beauty.
nuff said.

Well, it's not Chinese in my eyes.
I don't like how black girls look.
Chinese are okay, but they're no beautiful.
i didnt log on for one day for a project.... and miss all the forum activity...... my gmt forces me to be the only one on at a given moment except for when im up at 3 am cause then its 2 pm (estimate) for most of you but thats okay... i still love being part of an awesome clan
Originally Posted by Koala
i didnt log on for one day for a project.... and miss all the forum activity...... my gmt forces me to be the only one on at a given moment except for when im up at 3 am cause then its 2 pm (estimate) for most of you but thats okay... i still love being part of an awesome clan

Well, that's sad... :c
we should probably get more members that have a similar gmt to yours xd

Originally Posted by wyv
Who the hell invent school exam ?

Yeah... the bastards should be burned in a pit of eternal flame.
Runing so many lives and such....

Also, don't remember if I said that, but Unity 3D is kinda fun to toy with...
Made a "game" where there are lots of spheres falling down from sky which have my previous textures strapped on them xd
so dumb.
But maybe in the future it could lead to making a pretty cool game or something
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc