Originally Posted by Nerdly View Post
ok i think its a bit unfar that sado gets to be a mod because he made a art app i think that that part should be taken away because some of us carnt do it also he is new i think a older member should get it as its unfar is he has been here for just over a week and gets a mod spot.

just my opinion.

You have a point there.
Anyways it will still be disscused.


your level of Sacrifice for this clan is also important.
thanks its just i think the spot should go to a older member and not just because they used art for an app.

Any way i just ordered my new graphics card, should be hear in a week.
Originally Posted by Nerdly View Post
thanks its just i think the spot should go to a older member and not just because they used art for an app.

Any way i just ordered my new graphics card, should be hear in a week.


If you do the math you were our 1th...2nd....3rd.....4th.....5th.....6th.....7th.. ..8th member who joined..
and Sado was our 9th......or 10th......
No im saying that i have benn in neXus for a month and bit or something like that he has been hear for a week or so.

im not saying the spot should go to me i was saying maybe some one that has benn hear longer should get it.
Originally Posted by Nerdly View Post
Please post 10 words + not 3 words if you carnt folow our rules please dont post hear.

Check your grammar as well...
We rate it towards your commitment in this clan.

Also i don't want to pre-voke a fight for 3rd mod (its really not such a big deal)
I agree with BlackDemon. If its a big deal I'd rather not take the position. I do however think that I have more qualities than just my art skills.
Last edited by Sado; Sep 18, 2011 at 08:29 AM.
meap rocks
Yer you do but the main reason he said you would get the spot was because you used art to make you app but anyway new topic.

So whats every ones dream names for toribash?? mine is Proteus.