Originally Posted by Nerdly View Post
Ok well first our tag is fine how it is there arnt that many clans using full name tags.

secend you and iCo0n will diside the last mod soon so the app will look like this.

Clan name: NeXus
Clan tag: [NeXus]
Link to your clan's thread: Nexus clan thread
Link to any external forums if you are using any: Facebook and Irc
Clan subtitle: Virginity...............
Leaders name: Blackdemon and ICo0n
Moderators you want for your board: ICo0n , Blackdemon , (Who ever gets it)
If you get rejected, who to send the 30k refund to: Darkoh


Well the tag is between :
Originally Posted by Nerdly View Post
Well the two best are [neXus] and [nXs] the others will look really bad ingame.

Well we need to decide soon.
I agree with nerdly. Those may be our best two options. I think its your call for the final decision though black
meap rocks
I've went through the tags and X looks quite good


I think Sado will become 3rd mod because his creativity level raped all other apps (no offence to the others)

Last edited by Suspect; Sep 18, 2011 at 08:02 AM.
[neXus] looks the best.

i say we leave it [neXus] as it looks epic ingame.

also i really dont want a i leter tag there being used way to much now.
X is the most original !!!
neXus isnt bad either !?!?!?!


Tbh if we don't become official this system is totally rigged.
ok i think its a bit unfar that sado gets to be a mod because he made a art app i think that that part should be taken away because some of us carnt do it also he is new i think a older member should get it as its unfar is he has been here for just over a week and gets a mod spot.

just my opinion.