Originally Posted by koalaking View Post
Thank yoo sooo much to zyrax and arturix and maylene!!! (insert inspirational song) now that i am part of some thing awe-(music stops with a screech) HEY..... PUT IT BACK ON NOW!!!! (music slowly restarts) as i was saying part of something awesome im gonna try to be a lot better than i already am. (in the background "i like big butts" begins) *proceeds to punch dj and puts lady gaga on so he can dance* thank you sooooo much *twerkin*
first i was like ... then i was like :hurricane:
scorpio... i actually tried phun and it is quite phun (badum-tsss)

Uhm why does my name appear in this post?

Originally Posted by koalaking View Post
hai Muun

Originally Posted by Muun View Post
Hai koala c:

I see no use there.

Originally Posted by kameron View Post
How in the nipples did the topic go to Chinese girls?

Anywho, hi.

Oh dear god... Use the edit button.

Thanks for saying.
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
Uhm why does my name appear in this post?

/me rewinds to the recent past
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
He seems to be a quite funny fellow.
Let's give him a shot.

Eh, whatever. Just give him some time. He has some potential.

Also, still writing that paper.
Oddly enough, some people watched my stream of boring shit I did while trying to write anything xd
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
im not gonna hear the end of that post am i anyways that quad post was a mistake..... i didnt just stop watching Doctor Who for a second just to annoy everyone (which..... Doctor Who is the greatest show ever) fandom war anyone :3

just kidding by the way, dont want to start all that
I FINISHUD DAH FHTINKGGGGGGGGG !!!!!! !)o0)o)O)O(O(o(O(o(o(_o)_oafsdkoj

also, this is an awsum song x)


Also, trolled some kids in a random cs 1.6 server xd
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
congrats on the paper... and that song
i will play that to my future children
so upbeat for something so grim
like saying "he may be a rapist.... but at least he isnt so poor he cant buy clorophorm" XD
Also, just got this message.
Props to ZeTo for noticing me, actually xd


art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
nice.... looks like hes in a good mood....
p.s. i did indeed lol @ teh newbs
p.p.s. im in the mood to fight you artur.... wanna start an idle room