Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hurm thread is good, try to keep it with only questions and answers.
I'm back :)
I send the texture then? I will do so now. Also, if you do happen to make a set out of it, and if you eventually sold it, would you credit the head to me?
#Magnus - #Sigma
Yeah, if I were to sell the set (I usually forget to) lol
I'd also give you like 10-15% of the profit...Well if you're still in the clan. Lol, but you'd never leave....I wouldn't let you
But yeah thanks nameless...I wonder if I should start doing Requests thread again....hmmmm
Last edited by Muur; Feb 18, 2011 at 01:15 AM.
That one for Muur is pretty good, though it has some of the problems of your others.

Empty on the back and sides, not enough effort to combine brushes.
Alright, i'll try to fully populate my future head's, or at least add more brushes. I will also try to combine the brushes, and make them seem Like they flow.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Hey guys, I'm going to post all my new mods and repost any old ones, also I will talk about some other mods, I'll post videos of the mods for anyone who can't play them. Please tell me if you can't play them and I'll try to help you.
First I would like to say that I will make personal mods for anyone in the Clan or Allies.
If you request a mods please read: Mods can only have 16 objects, there are only 3 object you can make within a mod, and please don't ask for a mod that already exist, and be creative : )
Currently I'm working on Adventure 5 but I should be done soon.

Please tell me your output and give any suggestions on what you would like to see or any ideas on mods.
Attached Files
Adventure_1_1.tbm (2.1 KB, 6 views)
Adventure_2_1.tbm (2.1 KB, 5 views)
Adventure_3_2.tbm (2.3 KB, 5 views)
Adventure_4_2.tbm (2.3 KB, 6 views)
Training in the mountains
Originally Posted by thenamelessone View Post
Alright Darkshadow's is done. Just tell me what you want changed, and Then I'll send the flat.

Very nice (:
The eyes are kinda weird though imo.
not dead
Oh well then, that's okay (:
Thank you very much!

Just make the blue a LIL' bit lighter and that's okay.
not dead