Name : Jackyz Nimiars
Age : 17
Belt : Green Belt
How active are you : Active forever.If i rate myself is 11/10
Previous Clan : CaRBoN,Sin,Zero,TPC,Int and Bleu
Favorite/Best mod : aikido.tbm
Skills (art,replay ect) : I can create chat room site like my old clan chat :
if you were really active you wouldn't be a green belt with 6 past clans

i don't appreciate lies, son

I'll give you a yes if you give details
Originally Posted by Mig33 View Post
Name : Jackyz Nimiars
Age : 17
Belt : Green Belt
How active are you : Active forever.If i rate myself is 11/10
Previous Clan : CaRBoN,Sin,Zero,TPC,Int and Bleu
Favorite/Best mod : aikido.tbm
Skills (art,replay ect) : I can create chat room site like my old clan chat :

Doesn't look like you put much effort into this, also paragraph form apps will probably give you a better chance
Ok,ok i change it

Name : Jackyz Nimiars
Age : 17
Belt : Green Belt
How active are you : Active forever.If i rate myself is 11/10
Previous Clan : CaRBoN,Sin,Zero,TPC,Int and Bleu
Favorite/Best mod : aikido.tbm
Skills (art,replay ect) : I can create chat room site like my old clan chat :
Why you want to join Colon 3? Because i need this clan for help me search more information
About you : My name is Jackyz Nimiars.I'm live in Indonesia and i'm here for search more information to create my own site
Replay :
Attached Files
mig33_drunk.rpl (125.9 KB, 4 views)
mig33_war.rpl (301.4 KB, 5 views)