Originally Posted by coronelmic View Post
If someone could use this:
For me get certain of time...

I will once the time and date has been decided. Right now drhax said he would want to do it on tuesday and ticux wants to do it early as well so I figure they want to war pretty much as soon as round two starts on sunday

Edit: We don't actually have a goals list anymore as all the goals in the now dead clan thread are gone, but a popular goal is to become top ten on the clan ranks and so far we're at 11. Anyone feeling like a war spree? :]
Last edited by N3WB; Jul 25, 2014 at 02:28 AM.

I just finished watching the stream video made by abyss. Awesome job guys. Very proud of everyone one who participated in the prelims.
Thanks -ian- :] You'll be around for the next war right? We're gonna need you vs [Alpha]


It is done :v now what do
might try for rank 5

Originally Posted by Angels View Post
fuck my life
i cant go on sunday
reason: gone to my uncle
dang it.... maybe tomorow?

It can't be tommorow, round two starts on sunday so thats the earliest date possible. We could just do it any time next week

Edit: Warred [Alpha] vs 35K

Pretty much me vs imapirate in lenshu3ng then 2 games of judo

I sweat so hard under pressure holy crap
Last edited by N3WB; Jul 25, 2014 at 09:44 PM.

Guys I think we need to postpone from sunday. We need angels and I am questionable on being able to make it on sunday. Plus we could use a week of more practice.
We have a week for round two probably so its fine lets practice

The thing is, I imagine, as we practice Alpha also practice though

I like the idea of rusty Alpha better