Yeah sure Victor, sorry about that, yesterday and for abit today I was on my phone so it was hard for me to make a quality post. I'll make sure to do better posts when on my phone.
Last edited by keyboard1; Jun 27, 2016 at 07:07 PM. Reason: (Was Inaccurate)
Ugh i hatye writing on my phone, I write so slow and mess up a lot, and rip spelling as well. Tho to be honestly I kinda write wrong everywhere, always but still
ok so you guys should of combine languages to make a whole good thread
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Guys i need some help :P
my friend BumbleBurk is mad on me
idk why but i hope some one can help me with this
problem because i love BumbleBurk and he is one
of my friends please guys idk what i did to him
and make him mad at me or on me just guys i need
some help
what you need to do just tell him Sonapy is sorry if he did any thing wrong
and he well try to fix it
if you wanna help this well be kind from you and thanks for who well help me
in this <3
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
lol what did you do this time?

exactly my question
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
exactly my question

He tried to grab my butt dude, I swear man I didn't ask for this at all.
Lol, what were you playing? Lennyface okno

Ugh i have a maths test tomorrow and todaynee watched the german movie the wave in politics lessons lmao
while you are doing that I got to wait for these compressor to get fixed sigh now I'm sweating in a heat like a pig

Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719