I just don't understand that last twist walljump spin or whatever the fuck it is.

Nutty shit, Pretty good running with minor twitches. A fun route you chose aswell. Gj
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
the opener (the bad part):
in the first spin ur knee looked twitchy bc of the extending/contracting fast
maybe u could have lowered ur left arm after the first spin?
the setup for the second spin looked pretty awkard tho
the second sping was decent.
now the manip (the good part):
the start was good. nothing wrong with it
it look like u messed up a little after that but you did well fixing it
the dms part was good
overall its a pretty good replay but maybe try doing more creative stuff?
legit speechless
i cant even do manips so this seems amaizing
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
How dare you Dezrai
You make me wanna make a replay now ;-;
i dont wanna leave the rustndust corner but now i have too....
well done.. u doomed us all.
OMG, The God is Back. Hot stuff like always, spire replay kinda reminds me a little bit of swexx and Large. Great Manip and DMs
damn ok.
you just gonna, just gonna do a manip mm.
i mean it was alright, pretty good booms n' dms.

i just want some creative type shit but this be gud enouf
static | toad (ormo) max | haku