Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
im not afraid to touch the butt

much respect, just got an idea for a bounty
When Will Chaney take back his fucking 3,000 Christmas hats
TGS Application

Bit About Me

Hello all members of TGS. My name is Davonne Davis. I come from a small town in New Jersey Named "Carteret". I'm 16 years old turning 17 on the 20th of April. My GMT is +5.
I play for my High-Schools basketball team. Basketball is my passion and is a career i would like to do as i get older. I have a loving Independent Mother along with my Sister and Brother. If Skype is needed in this clan i'm currently downloading it. If anything else you want to know about me ask.

Forum Information

I mainly use the Toribash to communicate with any particular clan i'm in at the moment. I also use the forums to look at Art, Sells and Buys, Suggestions, and Market. I would say my forum activity is good. If i had to rate myself it would be 4/5 But i can easily improve that. Things that make me stand out as an individual on the forums in my opinion are that i like to express my opinions on certain conversations or topics. Also i'm not the type to go and brag after a war or whatever to another clan.

In-Game Information

Shall is start off with my stats? Well i guess i will. I'm currently at the belt rank of 1352. My global rank is 2817. I would also say my in-game activity is impressive. I'm in-game everyday unless i'm bagging grocery's at Shop-Rite for my basketball team, other then that you'll most likely see me. I've also never been Infracted and/ or Banned from Toribash. I'd say my in-game strengths are mods like Based Aikido mods, Ninjustsu, Rk-MMA, ErthTk, and a bit of Taekkyon and Lenshu. I believe my weaknesses are Mushu, And Wushu(Which i believe can use improvements). I'm also the competitive as well. I like to win (Of course) But i'm not the type of person to rage after a shovel or anything else. Of course i'm going to be frustrated but its best not to let your emotions affect you. I will also be available for any Tournaments, Wars and Events this clan attends to do.

Why Choose TGS?

Well my previous clan was Electric. I've left that clan because it was not what i thought it was. They were very forum orientated. Which is very good but they were less in-game so i guess we didn't mix. I've chosen TGS out of any other clan because you guys have a certain vibe that separate you from other clans(In a good way). You guys joke around which is nice to be apart of(Knowing i suck at that lol). This clan is in-game and forum orientated which interests me a lot knowing you that you guys don't ignore forums nor in-game play. This clan can also help my in-game play. I say this because this clan is well rounded with skill and can help me with mods that i struggle with. This clan also help me get to know you guys a bit better.


A couple of matches i had throughout this week.

(I've also suplex a bear but broke my phone in the progress Tahahahaha No? Don't get it? Oh....)
Last edited by millie; Jul 4, 2016 at 02:30 AM.
Holy cock balls that was a good app, you're pretty new though
I'm on the fence for this one
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
I don't think I've ever seen a better application(aside from the grammatical errors).

Skill isn't a requirement but it's nice to have and it seems you have a decent amount of it. In-game activity is great and all but I hope you're able to accept that we have our ups and downs of in-game activity depending on what's going on in Toribash(Clan League, etc). We're all fairly inactive in-game currently due to the fact we're all latched on to other games, and there really isn't much going on within the community at the moment.

I'm not one to give yes's to people I don't know, but you're an exception. Yes.

However I won't override the votes and just straight up invite you seeing as how you don't know us personally. So let the voting begin!
Last edited by millie; Jan 8, 2014 at 06:19 AM.

It's a yes from me
gj on the app
2 yes
0 no
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
I loved the app how you took time and effort into making that. Orko was right about the grammar but thats the least of my concern. You seem to be active in-game so thats nice.
Yes from me.
3 yes
0 no