If he accualy said he didn't plan to be here for that long, then NO >:O
But i guess, hopefully he doesn't leave in like the first week >.>
Thank you Nig I will be on whenever you want just say the word in PMs.

Gloomy, might not be the first week but when i get my clan official i shall leave and hopefully Hurrican and Nano can be allies.
Hi all
+Belt:im 3 dan black belt
+Previous clans:Hunters,Evil and 1336.9
+Mods youre best at + mod you want to be tested in:i like wushu,kickboxing,judo and i want be tested in wushu
+Why Hurricane?:I want join because i know that Hurricane is a great clan and friendly
+ingame name:Swooya
+country + language:Portugal and i speak Portuguese(ofc)and English
+activity:im more active in game that in forum
"Be obscure clearly."
ur ok so far, Swooya.

find me or gloomybear online to just meet with ya and c some of ur skillz (u 2 playaj )

guys pm me if u have a certain time ur on (and ur GMT) so i can find ya otherwise u'll never find me (im on at random times) XD
+Previous clans:none
+Mods youre best at + mod you want to be tested in:classic - classic with 200 circle dojo pls
+Why Hurricane?:cause u be awsome, and i live in florida, so i be nowin' the detructive powas of da HURRICANE!!!!
+ingame name:TheUsurper
+country + language:US english
+activity: (in-game and forum) semi on both ( i go through temp- addictions between games, so i may utterly dissipear for a week or so at a time, but illl warn u thengrounding is a possibility to, so if i dissipear with no warning, that happend
+messengers: (AIM, MSN)outlook, Pidgeon (more or less all (no account yet))
Last edited by TheUsurper; Jan 30, 2009 at 03:33 AM.