congratulations been that one is way better then your previous super stiff replays... try to make a one hit decap now.
since every one dosent under stand the next post you do in this thread should have at least 10 -15- or 20 replay on no more play goes here only replays i still need the replays all in 1 or 2 posts so that i dont have to wast my time going back and re downloading all the replay sorting out and the recording them.

I just want them in 1 to 2 post
ok i dont know if you want most of these but ok.... they are in random order some of these are a tad stiff but make up for it later on in the replay.

pick the ones that you like best....
Attached Files
split and let it walk.rpl (131.2 KB, 6 views)
wall run decap!.rpl (52.3 KB, 6 views)
weird decap.rpl (95.1 KB, 7 views)
craziest punch ever.rpl (71.1 KB, 5 views)
decap with a leg shot.rpl (77.0 KB, 5 views)
omg punched!.rpl (115.2 KB, 5 views)
i herd you like side flipz.rpl (57.8 KB, 5 views)
1000 decap.rpl (43.8 KB, 6 views)
BETTER TOTAL UKE PWNAGE.rpl (112.8 KB, 6 views)
running head kick.rpl (71.1 KB, 8 views)
=/ i did not enjoy that.... it was stiff messy sometimes your hits did nothing... but it had many dms and if you hadnt hurt yourself so much it would have been a 9 but seeing how u did its a 6 =(
it looked a lot better when i made it but it f'ed up and thats y it looks stiff and all that after the first hit there was some slow not meaning full shot then after that i started tearing him apart and at the end i slammed his head agent his torso and split it and then cough his head again