Originally Posted by shook View Post
You better believe it's fucking hardcore badassery, because this guy killed the original developer (read: me) of the game 8 times on Normal before i got the better of it. Should probably be toned down a tiny bit, but we'll see. :U

I would hope so, considering level 6 on EPIC MAN MODE >:C is still impossible for me.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Oh yeah, i nerfed level 6 a bit more as well, since i finally ran into why exactly it is so hard. The combination of spreaders and turrets is a nasty one, and the red wedges will fuck you over if you hang around the sides. There was also multiple instances of screen-wide blankets of lasers, which is a death sentence on EPIC MAN MODE >:C. I'll have you know, however, that it (as in all 9 levels) HAS been completed by one particularly persistent person, and it isn't me. Supposedly the key is to go for maximum offense, but i bet you that having a smidge of armor so you can survive a single shot is a good deal as well.

Also, this just in: The second boss in its current iteration is NOT impossible on Nightmare, since i managed to beat it. Took a fair few tries, but since i could beat it on Nightmare (and it isn't made by me, but Chartle, so i lack the premonition that i usually have), most people should be able to win on Normal after some tries. Now don't get me wrong though, it's still a difficult fight, and you really need to be in your zone to beat it. The missiles are relentless, the orbs ubiquitous, and the huge laser is just plain terrifying. It's probably the missiles killing you most of the time, but nothing says "your ass is mine" like a huge laser plowing through your face for an instant kill. (unless you play on Easy, in which case it merely takes off 60% health)

@Uncertain: Thanks! I'm glad you like it! c:

@Chartle: Oh you. :U (also in case people haven't noticed or have been living under a proverbial rock, Chartle is my co-programmer and the evil genius behind the shown boss)

In other news, here's something for your speculations.

hee hee

Oh yeah, and i've also added a damage reduction for damage going through the shield, which will make it highly desirable on EPIC MAN MODE >:C. Basically, any damage left over from a shot breaking your shields will be halved before hitting you. Coupled with the much smaller hitbox on shields, i bet the upgrade will suddenly become much more popular. :U
Last edited by Shook; Jun 13, 2012 at 08:59 AM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
In other news, here's something for your speculations.

hee hee

Shielded enemies? Possibly with the ability to reflect shots? Only vulnerable when they're attacking perhaps?

Either way, interest is raised.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Shielded enemies? Ding! Possibly with the ability to reflect shots? Ding! Only vulnerable when they're attacking perhaps? HOOOOOOOOOONK

Either way, interest is raised. awesome

They don't fire at all, they just serve to annoy the shit out of you by deflecting your boolits. No amount of standard shots will cause any harm to them from the front, so you'll either have to get behind them or throw a super shot at their faces. This serves to horribly complicate matters now that you're used to just shooting everything, since depending on whether i'll make deflected shots harmful to your health or not, shooting at them can be very counter-productive.

Also, given that i have an exam in two days, production is temporarily halted. Might go for a release after the exam, but we'll see by then.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
"It only gets harder from here "


Loved it. I like games that are difficult enough to keep you busy for a very long time while just easy enough to not be totally impossible. I can't wait for the full.
This is ridiculously awesome (even though I only made it to level 3 on normal).

I think I'm in love with you.

I recommend a barrel roll upgrade, allowing you to dodge bullets. However, you'd have to wait for your barrel roll to charge again. Or else you'd throw up.
Last edited by Marrez; Jun 14, 2012 at 05:45 PM.
the goblin
Barrel roll? That's a pretty cool idea actually, and a nice alternative to the very hit or miss hitbox upgrade that had been suggested in another place. Either the (hitbox) upgrade becomes insignificant, or it becomes supremely overpowered. The biggest issue about barrel rolling is that i have to animate it. :U (giving the player temporary invulnerability isn't too bad, since there are a few places with nearly unavoidable barrages of lasers)

Also, i'm really glad you guys like it! It's turning into quite a project, so i'm glad it isn't for nothing. c:

In other news, TIME TO UPDATE. Changelog:

- BOSS 2 IS A REALITY. Beware.
- Shield hitbox is now much smaller, about same size as the ships hitbox (which is also a bit smaller vertically).
- Shield now has a "gate" mechanic, meaning that any excess damage past a collapsed shield is halved (example: normal shield has 15 points, large laser hits for 25, so you take (25-15)/2 = 5 damage). I suspect this will greatly help EPIC MAN MODE >:C players.
- Upgrades can now be sold with the right mouse button. This gives you back 90% of their cost.
- A few bug fixes here and there. (and likely a host of new bugs)
- Level 6 nerfed further.
- Altered help screen colours to match game aesthetics.

I'll have to make room for Chartle in the credits ASAP, since he's the mad genius responsible for both the second boss and the selling feature.

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol